ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia / standards-maintenance

This repository houses the interactions, consultations and work management to support the maintenance of baselined components of the Consumer Data Right API Standards and Information Security profile.
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Maintenance Iteration 16 Holistic Feedback #599

Closed CDR-API-Stream closed 8 months ago

CDR-API-Stream commented 11 months ago

This change request has been created to simplify the raising of minor changes, such as text corrections or description clarifications, that are not really material to the standards but do have a real impact on readability and clarity.

Please raise any such suggestions that you would like included in Maintenance Iteration 16 and the DSB will review them. If a suggestion is a material change a dedicated CR will be raised.

HemangCDR commented 11 months ago
nils-work commented 11 months ago

The V1.25.0 Release Notes page doesn't mention the following issues that were part of that release. For future reference, the page should be updated.

These should have been included under the Change Requests section from Standards Maintenance and the appropriate sections:

API endpoints Standards Maintenance #413: Added missing error response codes. Standards Maintenance #585: Split the 'Product & Account Components' tables that provide more detail on the 'Product Deposit Rate Types' and 'Product Lending Rate Types' into Base Rate Types and Adjustment Rate Types.

Register Standards Standards Maintenance #575: Updated a number of headers to use more consistent types.

nils-work commented 11 months ago

The link in this text under Informative References:

Consumer Data Right:

Should be updated to:

nils-work commented 11 months ago

Changes for the following Staging and Telco Documentation fixes are staged here for review. There was also an update that included splitting out the changes for 595.


nils-work commented 11 months ago

Fix incorrect spelling of 'registeration' in the registeredCountry field in LegalEntityDetail.

perlboy commented 10 months ago

The endpoint versioning schedule is incorrect for the CDR Arrangement Revocation End Point.

perlboy commented 10 months ago

Multiple descriptions have copy/paste errors in regards to Gas. E.g.: image

ACCC-CDR commented 10 months ago

Effective from 21 September 2023, the ACCC will retire the following Register API versions:

These API versions were deprecated by the Data Standards Body on 23 December 2021. After retirement, any calls to these versions will result in a 406 Unsupported Version error.

On the retirement date the x-v header will change from optional to mandatory. This change was discussed in issue 544 and determined that the standards would be updated once a retirement date was set. Now that the retirement date has been set can the CDS be updated to make 'x-v' header mandatory for:

nils-work commented 10 months ago

The authorisations property in Get Metrics v4 and v5 is marked as optional. This may have been intended to be mandatory as per most other top-level properties.

perlboy commented 10 months ago

For the new Energy endpoints mandated for November 1, there does not appear to be an allowance for new entrants into the ecosystem (i.e. Tranche 3 launching November 1) to not implement the previous versions, notably Get Energy Account Detail V2. Is this intentional? If not, can the Standards be clarified that new Holders are not required to deliver the old endpoint?

nils-work commented 10 months ago

Typo in two instances of this text - String containing a role of the software in the CDR Regime. Initially the only value used with be

It should end ...will be

nils-work commented 10 months ago

The link in this text under Informative References:

Consumer Data Right:

Should be updated to:

This change has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 10 months ago

Fix incorrect spelling of 'registeration' in the registeredCountry field in LegalEntityDetail.

This change has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 10 months ago

The V1.25.0 Release Notes page doesn't mention the following issues that were part of that release. For future reference, the page should be updated.

These should have been included under the Change Requests section from Standards Maintenance and the appropriate sections:

API endpoints Standards Maintenance #413: Added missing error response codes. Standards Maintenance #585: Split the 'Product & Account Components' tables that provide more detail on the 'Product Deposit Rate Types' and 'Product Lending Rate Types' into Base Rate Types and Adjustment Rate Types.

Register Standards Standards Maintenance #575: Updated a number of headers to use more consistent types.

A fix for this issue comment has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 10 months ago

Typo in two instances of this text - String containing a role of the software in the CDR Regime. Initially the only value used with be

It should end ...will be

A fix for this issue comment has been staged for review:

anzbankau commented 10 months ago

The AuthorisationMetricsv2 has 3 additional chevron symbols (denoting indentation) from the revokedAuthorisationCount onwards. See the structure in the example.

nils-work commented 10 months ago

The AuthorisationMetricsv2 has 3 additional chevron symbols (denoting indentation) from the revokedAuthorisationCount onwards. See the structure in the example.

Thanks @anzbankau, I think this seems to be the same issue that was noted here -

nils-work commented 10 months ago

Multiple descriptions have copy/paste errors in regards to Gas. E.g.: image

A fix for this issue comment has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 10 months ago

The authorisations property in Get Metrics v4 and v5 is marked as optional. This may have been intended to be mandatory as per most other top-level properties.

A fix for this issue comment has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 10 months ago
  • Remove duplicate 400 - Invalid Version from Banking API Responses (see example below): image
  • Add 400 - Invalid Date in Energy API Responses that have DateTimeString, DateString, and TimeString field type query parameters

A fix for this issue comment has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 9 months ago

The [FAPI-RW-Draft] link in the Security Endpoints section is broken and should be updated to refer to [FAPI-1.0-Advanced]

nils-work commented 9 months ago

The endpoint versioning schedule is incorrect for the CDR Arrangement Revocation End Point.

Hi @perlboy Thanks for this, it looks like there could be a few older versions that may be worth noting in that section. If we can't get all the version and date details together before the upcoming release, a fix for this will be carried into the next maintenance iteration.

nils-work commented 9 months ago

The [FAPI-RW-Draft] link in the Security Endpoints section is broken and should be updated to refer to [FAPI-1.0-Advanced]

A fix for this issue comment has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 9 months ago

A fix for this issue comment has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 9 months ago

For the new Energy endpoints mandated for November 1, there does not appear to be an allowance for new entrants into the ecosystem (i.e. Tranche 3 launching November 1) to not implement the previous versions, notably Get Energy Account Detail V2. Is this intentional? If not, can the Standards be clarified that new Holders are not required to deliver the old endpoint?

A fix for this issue comment has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 9 months ago

Effective from 21 September 2023, the ACCC will retire the following Register API versions:

  • Get Data Holder Brands (V1)
  • Get Software Statement Assertion (V1 and V2)
  • Get Software Products Statues (V1)
  • Get Data Recipients Statues (V1)
  • Get Data Recipients (V1 and V2)

These API versions were deprecated by the Data Standards Body on 23 December 2021. After retirement, any calls to these versions will result in a 406 Unsupported Version error.

On the retirement date the x-v header will change from optional to mandatory. This change was discussed in issue 544 and determined that the standards would be updated once a retirement date was set. Now that the retirement date has been set can the CDS be updated to make 'x-v' header mandatory for:

  • Get Data Holder Brands
  • Get Software Statement Assertion
  • Get Software Products Statues
  • Get Data Recipients Statues
  • Get Data Recipients

A fix for this issue comment has been staged for review:

nils-work commented 8 months ago

These changes have been incorporated into version 1.27.0