ContinuumIO / earthio

Data reader utilities for machine learning on satellite imagery and Earth science data
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Documentation for earthio #9

Closed PeterDSteinberg closed 7 years ago

PeterDSteinberg commented 7 years ago

The docs for elm are being revised now to remove mentions of elm.readers in favor of earthio . We probably want to set up a site for earthio in the interest of long-term usage of earthio both with elm and without.

Does it make sense to do this now? One option is to document earthio through elm's docs for the near-term (e.g. 2 months), then after some stability in usage patterns, create a for earthio in a ./docs folder.

Thoughts? cc @jbednar @gbrener

PeterDSteinberg commented 7 years ago

earthio docs are handled for now in elm's site. There will be a different solution later as we transition earthio assets to Xarray. Closing this issue for now.