Just a question to discuss. Not a request for enhancement.
Currently, the status and opened studies are stored in the user’s browser cache and cookies.
Therefore, major breaking changes in concore editor require the user to clear the respective site data, to ensure previously cached data are not persisted, and to avoid a conflict in case of a major update in the look-n-feel of concore editor. (This did not occur recently. But during the GSoC 2022 times, it was spotted often).
We proposed an SQLite data store to replace the browser-based cookies to store the context and status of concore editor. This way, the users will not need to empty their cache whenever there are major breaking updates on the concore editor.
However, this issue is on hold since this issue is not reproducing now.
Just a question to discuss. Not a request for enhancement.
Currently, the status and opened studies are stored in the user’s browser cache and cookies.
Therefore, major breaking changes in concore editor require the user to clear the respective site data, to ensure previously cached data are not persisted, and to avoid a conflict in case of a major update in the look-n-feel of concore editor. (This did not occur recently. But during the GSoC 2022 times, it was spotted often).
We proposed an SQLite data store to replace the browser-based cookies to store the context and status of concore editor. This way, the users will not need to empty their cache whenever there are major breaking updates on the concore editor.
However, this issue is on hold since this issue is not reproducing now.