CooperRS / RMActionController

This is an iOS control for presenting any UIView in an UIAlertController like manner
MIT License
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cancel by taping fixed for grouped actions #5

Closed hons82 closed 9 years ago

hons82 commented 9 years ago

If you init the control with “Select” and “Cancel” the actions are stored in the doneActions array, which is not check when taping outside the control.

+ (instancetype)actionControllerWithStyle:(RMActionControllerStyle)style title:(NSString *)aTitle message:(NSString *)aMessage selectAction:(RMAction *)selectAction andCancelAction:(RMAction *)cancelAction {
    if(selectAction && cancelAction) {
        RMGroupedAction *action = [RMGroupedAction actionWithStyle:RMActionStyleDefault andActions:@[cancelAction, selectAction]];
        [controller addAction:action];
CooperRS commented 9 years ago

Right! Thanks for the bug fix :)

CooperRS commented 9 years ago

Released with version 1.0.4