CopilotKit / CopilotKit

A framework for building custom AI Copilots 🤖 in-app AI chatbots, in-app AI Agents, & AI-powered Textareas.
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Backend in NestJS #295

Open apperside opened 1 month ago

apperside commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Hi, first of all thanks a lot for this fantastic piece of software! I have managed to integrate it in my NextJS app, I can see the chat sidebar appearing and the chat content be posted to my NestJS backend, where I am handling the request this way

  public async chat(
    @Request() request,
    @Response() response,
  ) {
    const copilotKit = new CopilotBackend();

    const result = await copilotKit.response(
      new OpenAIAdapter(),
    return result

I also have tried this

  public async chat(
    @Request() request,
    @Response() response,
  ) {
    const copilotKit = new CopilotBackend();

    const result = await
      new OpenAIAdapter(),
    return result

and this

  public async chat(
    @Request() request,
    @Response() response,
  ) {
    const copilotKit = new CopilotBackend();

    const result = await copilotKit.streamHttpServerResponse(
      new OpenAIAdapter(),
    return result

By in any case the chat waits for the response indefinitely. By adding some breakpoint, the response is properly generated, but for some reason the clients does not receive it. What am I missing?

Many thanks

ikudev commented 1 month ago

@apperside Hello, I think you should modify your nestjs code like this:

  async chat(@Req() request, @Res() response): Promise<void> {
    const copilotKit = new CopilotBackend();
    await copilotKit.streamHttpServerResponse(request, response, new OpenAIAdapter());

Because streamHttpServerResponse returns Promise<void>, you can't get anything using its return value. You should completely delegate everything to the CopilotBackend instance.

BTW, the above code is a simple version for demo. It'll be better to create the CopilotBackend instance in a service instead, in case of creating a new instance every time a request comes.

ikudev commented 1 month ago

Please refer to this demo I made.