import mods.cagedmobs.EntitiesManager;
import mods.cagedmobs.EnvironmentsManager;
import mods.vampirism;
import mods.werewolves;
val entities = <recipetype:cagedmobs:mob_data>;
val envs = <recipetype:cagedmobs:env_data>;
val dirt = envs.getEnvironment("cagedmobs:envs/dirt");
// Simple entity with more environments: create(id, entityType, growTicks, ifRequiresWaterloggedCage, tier, environments list)
// The id string cannot contain any capital letters or spaces.
val hunter = entities.create("vampirism:hunter_imob",<entitytype:vampirism:hunter>, 1800, false, 1, ["dirt"]);
// New additional loot: create(id, entityType).
// The id string cannot contain any capital letters or spaces.
val human_heart = additionalLoots.create("vampirism:human_heart",<entitytype:vampirism:hunter>);
// New additional loot: create(id, entityType).
// The id string cannot contain any capital letters or spaces.
val liver = additionalLoots.create("werewolves:liver",<entitytype:werewolves:human_werewolf>);
// addLoot(item, chance, minDrop, maxDrop) - 20% chance for dropping from 1 to 3 pistons
hunter.addLoot(<item:vampirism:human_heart>, 0.2, 1);
hunter.addLoot(<item:werewolves:liver>, 0.2, 1);
Goal: Adding loot from vampirism and werewolves mods
Skill at scripting: poop emoji
Attempt after reading instructions in
Results: overwhelm on where to go from here