CornellCustomDev / cwd_base

A lightweight Drupal 8+ theme, implementing Cornell Branding and standard CWD components.
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WA: drop-down menu markup #42

Closed alisonjo315 closed 3 years ago

alisonjo315 commented 3 years ago

From Alison: Please update this issue description however y'all see fit, I'm just getting it started -- reword/replace details, whatever.


During WA review of CRS Policy Office, an issue was raised with the drop-down menu markup (main menu). Menu items had aria-expanded="false" and didn't change to true when drop-downs were in fact expanded.
(NOTE: The policy site isn't like that anymore, I removed the attribute so we could launch. Here's an old multidev that still has the aria-expanded issue, if you want to see it -- I can't promise the multidev will be there when you look...)

CRS Policy Office was built with an older CD Demo theme (cwd_ssit), like the other CRS sites. Other CRS sites have aria-expanded but it works properly -- for example, CRS Privacy Office. On newer Drupal 8 sites (and on CD Demo), aria-haspopup is used, but aria-expanded is not used at all.



alisonjo315 commented 3 years ago

BLERG. This issue should be on cwd_framework, so, I'm closing it here and adding it over there...