CorrelAid / correlaid_website

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Role + Description fields in People collection #204

Open friep opened 1 year ago

friep commented 1 year ago

could we have a general description and role field in the People collection? then we could reuse this in different collections that inherit from the People collection instead of copy-pasting the description to different components/collections. e.g. when I insert a Contact in the page builder and I don't see the need to write a dedicated text, i have to copy paste from the global admin.

maybe it could be so that the Title & description in this case could be optional and then:

or is this too confusing? 😬

KonradUdoHannes commented 1 year ago

I can't say I fully understand the directus schema yet, but from how I understand it we have the following situation. We have People and then Global Administrators, Local Administrators and contacts all can include the people. Currently Description and Position are fields that are separately added to Global Administrators , Local Administrators and contacts, leading to the issue (+maintenance issues if the description ever changes).

Maybe we can move the Description field to People such that the other data models automatically have it associates. Maybe we can also do this for Position possibly renaming it to Positions to track potentially both global and local admin positions.

@jstet Do you think its feasible? Schema changes are of course always painful, but the further I get with error handling and logging the less painful it will get (yet we won't reach painless 😅). If its not feasible we can brainstorm more about client side solutions.

jstet commented 12 months ago

@Frie and I talked about this yesterday in a call. I did not add description and position to people, because people can have different positions and descriptions in different contexts, e.g. as a part of the remote office vs lc head vs content creator.

We agreed to postbone this for now and see how much of an issue this is in writing content in the cms

friep commented 12 months ago

yes for postponing it after the launch. just to note: also came up with Content Creators today (description wise)

friep commented 8 months ago

note from #555

in my opinion the use case is not worth the complexity and added effort of maintaining them in different places. imo there's no harm in using general descriptions that cover all that the person does within CorrelAid. For example, if Marco shows up on LC Konstanz, it's also ok to write that he's part of the board and vice versa. I'd actually argue that it's a plus because it shows that people can be involved in different roles at once.

For blog posts, temporal stability is actually more of a problem (aka: Johannes 8 years ago has the same description as content creator Johannes today) but again, for me, i'd keep it as simple as possible.

If you think this has implications too far for a PR. i can move my comment to the related issue and revert the changes (i guess i am just frustrated that i manually added things in the wrong place in directus)

jstet commented 3 months ago

As I have just updated the board i had to think about this again. Personally I still think it makes sense to have the Role + Description in different collections. I don't mind that much to completely move the description to the Person collection. We cant move the role however because people have different roles. Currently we additionally have description and role in the person collection, which is a bit confusing.

Any new thoughts @friep or @KonradUdoHannes ?