Creckeryop / NOBORU

Application for PlayStation Vita to read manga or comics
GNU General Public License v3.0
160 stars 24 forks source link

[Feature Request] Shelves #116

Open diotodd opened 2 years ago

diotodd commented 2 years ago

There are some comics runs which contain different comics. For example, a Marvel run Civil War contains almost 56 different volumes. (Spider-Man, Captain America Civil War, New Avengers: Civil War, etc.)

A feature to group specific comics into custom named "shelves" would be a cool solution.

Thank you for the app btw, I spend most of the time on my Vita with Noboru.

Creckeryop commented 2 years ago

Nice idea, Maybe that will be in future updates. Folders / Shelves / Album or maybe I'll add tabs in Library so you can categorize it