Crocoblock / suggestions

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JetEngine - Use Post Category as a Filter for Meta Boxes #12

Closed Perchpole closed 2 years ago

Perchpole commented 5 years ago

Currently, when assigning meta boxes, it is only possible to use "Post Type" as a selector. The system would be far more powerul and flexible if were also possible to use "Post Category".

Posts are split into different categories for good reasons and each may require different meta boxes.

Note: ACF allows any combination of over 20 options.


MjHead commented 5 years ago

Hi @Perchpole Thanks for suggestion. You are not first who asking this :) And we'll definitely rewrite meta boxes management UI and on this stage we'll add a lot more options to control meta box appearance. But we need a bit more time to do this. Currently couple more features on the line for JetEngine, when we'll implement all of them, we'll start to work on new admin UI. I'll let you know here when some exact ETA will be available.

absym commented 5 years ago

Hi, nice feature, hope it will be possible to also assign a Meta boxe to a specific category of Woocommerce products ? The product management form can be very long with a lot of unused/unwanted fields depending on which kind of product you are working. Any idea of when it will be available ?

norbertfogarasi commented 4 years ago

Any update on this?

Perchpole commented 4 years ago

I got tired of waiting so switched to another solution.

norbertfogarasi commented 4 years ago

You mean, another plugin?

Perchpole commented 4 years ago

A combination of CPT UI and Advanced Custom Fields. They work very well together.

norbertfogarasi commented 4 years ago

Yes, I used that combination. The only downside of ACF is that it doesn't have repeater fields. So if I need repeaters and custom meta boxes for categories I need to choose between them.

Perchpole commented 4 years ago

It does have repeater fields!

Also, use this:

kbcelik commented 4 years ago

Hello. Any update on this? @MjHead

dcambria commented 3 years ago

Hi, need this feature too. 👍

simonvanoordt commented 3 years ago


Bookit24 commented 3 years ago


tole011 commented 3 years ago

This is so basic functionality. I'm a new user of JetEngine and can't believe that it's not there. Free combo of ACF and CPT UI (which I used so far) is becoming increasingly appealing to me.

getunrealtoday commented 3 years ago

+2 !!!! I was very surprised to find that it is not possible to limit display of the meta box by product category or product type (simple / variable / bookable etc.) Holding off on ACF for now, but need this functionality soon please!

tole011 commented 3 years ago

We are waiting for 2y and there is no meaningful answer from Croco... At least put a disclaimer in the comparison table that you can't provide such basic functionality. To be honest, I wouldn't spend money on your product if I knew about this, It's available in all similar products. This is not a way to treat your customers.

Zegklitz commented 3 years ago


pajtai commented 3 years ago

This would be awesome 👍

jarahner commented 3 years ago


slaakk commented 3 years ago


I'll pull the trigger on the refund; JetEngine is great but this kind of functionality is basic.

koolkarma commented 2 years ago

Agree that it's needed!

HazmeUnaPaginaCL commented 2 years ago

+1... C'mon guys :D - Its gonna be 3 years since the request

lifeact commented 2 years ago

As a programmer, I understand that this change affects a lot of work, including with smart filters. But three years is a lot

MjHead commented 2 years ago

LuisCarrizo commented 6 months ago

4 years!! unbelievable