Crocoblock / suggestions

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Translate Form Fields of JetFormBuilder by WPML #5043

Open hamed-azimi opened 2 years ago

hamed-azimi commented 2 years ago

Currently, we can make the Forms created by JetFormBuilder translatable from WPML's settings.

When we do that, we will have the option to add translations to all the languages of the website.

The problem is: when you start to translate a form, you can only translate the form's title, and literally nothing else (fields, headings, fields' title and placeholder and description and anything else added inside the form is not translatable)

As a result, even though you translated all forms to all active languages when users switch to other languages, they will still see the English form fields (which doesn't make any sense). and not only that, if you add "Send Email Post-Action", the people using all other languages of your site, will receive English emails, will see English fail or success errors, and...

I contacted the devs and they suggested duplicating the forms manually for all languages and then using different forms for different languages in posts and pages. But that's not a good idea at all, because:

Please properly support WPML in the way to let us translate all fields' data like their title, placeholder, description, and also the Post Action Emails, or even fail and success errors/messages.


IOAyman commented 11 months ago

🤚🏼 Same exact issue here! I hope this gets enough attention very soon.