CrumpLab / EntropyTyping

A repository for collaborating on our new manuscript investigating how keystroke dynamics conform to information theoretic measures of entropy in the letters people type.
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Statistical Support for First Word and Mid Word Slowing #21

Open wlai0611 opened 5 years ago

wlai0611 commented 5 years ago

Reviewer 1 Comment 1 asked for statistical support that the IKSI of the first letter and the middle letter slowing. I tried to show that words are slower in the middle so I made a correlation of abs(letter position - (wordLength/2)) Vs. meanIKSI/wordLength

Pearson's product-moment correlation

data: subject_meansAgg$DistFromMid and subject_meansAgg$mean_IKSI/subject_meansAgg$word_lengths t = -2.5042, df = 21, p-value = 0.02059 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.7445628 -0.0839209 sample estimates: cor -0.4795348


See entropyTypingAnalysisComment1.r

I was trying to do a t test with nonmidWords Vs. midWords but was lost on 1) how to correct for inter subject variability like in a repeated measures 2) if I chose a paired t test how to correct for the unequal sample sizes (there are more nonmidWord letters compared to midWord letters)

Do you think the correlation will suffice to show mid WOrd slowing?

wlai0611 commented 5 years ago

I did an independent t test on the IKSIs of entries with the <=10 letter words. The 2 groups were entries with letter position 1 and entries with letter position > 1.

theDataSmall is the_data after the filtering/word processing but before we used van Selst Jolicoeur outlier elimination.

Welch Two Sample t-test

data: theDataSmall[theDataSmall$let_pos == 1, ]$IKSIs and theDataSmall[theDataSmall$let_pos > 1, ]$IKSIs t = 151.39, df = 238690, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 64.98991 66.69473 sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 233.3041 167.4618