Closed salazarsebas closed 1 week ago
Can I try solving this issue? i have experience with writing technical documentation and will like to be a part of this project.
directory i would create a
file containing all the required template to make a valid PR.kindly assign me ETA <= 5hrs
hello @sasasamaes Can i take on this issue? I have the required expertise to create a well standard and detailed markdown documentation. I will make PR in 24hrs. Thanks
Can I jump on this task?I am a Front-end and smart contract developer. I am proficient in tailwind css, Next Js, Typescript, JavaScript, Cairo and Rust. I would love to contribute to this project.
I'd like to take this issue. I've worked on similar issues in the past and have a pretty clear idea how to takle this issue, already have a nice template that can help the team to have this ready today.
Is this issue still available?
May I pick this up? I have three years experience in Software development and have contributed to some projects on OD here.
ETA: 10 hours.
May I handle this issue?
I am a Web3 front-end developer skilled in technical documentation and software development. I greatly understand technologies like JavaScript, Typescript, Cairo, Rust and Solidity. I have contributed successfully to open-source projects like Stark Quest and Speedrun scaffold-stark. My Approach includes:
Could I try solving this?
Could I take a shot at this?
I'm a frontend/smart contract developer and a technical writer. Here are links to comprehensive docs I've written and have been merged Flex-NFT-Marketplace/Flex-Marketplace-Contract#107,,,,
I would appreciate the opportunity of working on this
Will love to work on this issue.
Can I handle this task?
I’d love to work on this task.
Can I take care of this issue? i'm a frontend dev, techical writer and a blockchain dev kindly assign :)
Hello can I be assigned this please? I am a blockchain developer and I'm also good at documentations.
Yes, the templete will have Summary, Changes Made, Tests Results and Next Steps. Below are some of the documentations I've done that were merged:,,,,,
Please I’m ready to work, assign me please.
Can I contribute to this one? I will create the template, also im manteiner too so i have experience, Dojo coding member too!
Hello, my name is Derian Rodríguez. I am a passionate software engineer with over one year of experience, actively contributing to open-source projects through OnlyDust. My experience includes full-stack development with a focus on backend, frontend, and web3 development using Starknet and Cairo. Additionally, I am part of the Dojo Coding community. I would follow all the guidelines and instructions to get exactly what you want. I would love to contribute and support the development of this project.
Hi @nov0ax Thank you for your enthusiasm in contributing to our project. Wishing you great success as you take on this task.
Any questions you may have, please let us know.
The template must have the following parts:
Use this as an example:
Pull Request Overview
📝 Summary
Provide a brief overview of what this PR accomplishes.
🪧 Related Issues
🛠️ Type of Change
Mark with an x all the checkboxes that apply (like [x]).
🔄 Changes Made
What's Changed Provide a clear and concise description of what you changed and why.
🔧 Tests Results
Describe the tests you performed to verify your changes.
🔜 Next Steps
Indicate actions or improvements to be taken after this PR, if applicable.