Cuperino / QPrompt-Teleprompter

Teleprompter software for all video creators. Built with ease of use, productivity, control accuracy, and smooth performance in mind.
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Disappearing text in named markers #168

Open 24se7en opened 1 year ago

24se7en commented 1 year ago

QPrompt 02 Bug.pdf QPrompt 01.pdf

I setup markers and save as html, after that i start QPrompt again and load new and open this file and the text disappeared only numbers 1, 2, 3... shows up

QPrompt version 1.1.5 (v.1.1./720a013 Windows 10 latest Version

videosmith commented 1 year ago

Appears to function correctly in 1.2.0 (v1.2/f98ce89) .deb release.

24se7en commented 1 year ago

Hi Cuperino,

how can i download this version

24se7en commented 1 year ago

I download this version from Patreon website qprompt-v1.2-aa5f4ad-v1.2-windows-cl-msvc2019-x86_64and stilhave the same Problem

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

Deb builds are distribution packages for the Debian Linux operating system; they won’t work on Windows without additional tools that will impact performance, but they will work on Linux operating systems belonging to the Debian Linux family of Linux distributions. These include Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, RaspberryPi OS, Pop!_OS, and many others. The system has to be based on Debian 11, Ubuntu 21.10, or later version of either of those systems for the Deb to work.

v1.2.0 builds are presently early pre-release builds that include the features that were most recently developed. These are available to Patreon supporters and can be downloaded from our Early Access publications. Early access releases may contain bugs not present in final releases. They’re usually just as stable, but that is not a guarantee.

v1.2.0 Early Access 04 (v1.2/f98ce89) can be downloaded from here: 1

That version is virtually identical to Early Access 03, except for some minor changes that affect only Linux operating systems, and thus only Linux builds were made for EA-4.

v1.2.0 Early Access 03 (v1.2/aa5f4ad), which includes versions for Windows and Mac as well, can be downloaded from here:

Having said that, I don’t think that I’ve made any modifications that would fix your issue in any of the v1.2.0 Early Access builds. If the issue that you’re facing isn’t present in the Debian version, it may be that the issue is a bug that’s specific to the Windows version, or specific to all the non-Debian versions (because of a difference in Qt, one of the underlying frameworks used to build QPrompt). I can’t say which is the case because I haven’t begun addressing this issue yet.

videosmith commented 1 year ago

I installed qprompt-v1.1.5-720a013-windows-cl-msvc2019-x86_64 tested and then uninstalled... then installed qprompt-v1.2-aa5f4ad-v1.2-windows-cl-msvc2019-x86_64 and tested. As far as I can determine, they are working correctly on my platform (see pics and attached test file-newly recreated for each version). Both versions correctly retained the bookmarks and jumped to them via hotkeys.

Could 24se7en's results be affected by auto-numbering bullets in the source document?

1.15 pre-save 1 1 15_pre_save

1.15 pre-save 2 1 15_pre_save2

1.15 post-save reload 1 15_post_save

1.2 pre-save 1 1 2_pre_save

1.2 pre-save 2 1 2_pre_save2

1.2 post save reload 1 2_post_save

1.2 about 1 2_about

Win about win

test file

24se7en commented 1 year ago

I think this is the problem, your file works also fine by me, but when i give it a hotkey, see image, than this problem disappeared... without a hotkey all works 100% Bug.pdf qprompt version.pdf laptop.pdf

24se7en commented 1 year ago

Hi, did you also recognice this hotkey marker problem?

videosmith commented 1 year ago

I've been on a job. Will try to replicate this evening.

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

It was a busy week for me as well. I took some time off in the weekend to spend my birthday with my girlfriend and family. I might need to take more time off this next weekend to take care of my taxes... In the meantime, I've been planning and prototyping the remote control user interface and a part of its server.

I'm hope to get to this soon, but I'm avoiding to start and leave things halfway, for it would take time to recap on what I'd previously done.

24se7en commented 1 year ago

No Problem, take your time and no stress

videosmith commented 1 year ago

I attempted to recreate your workflow (add markers to text in document, save, load, add numbers to markers in your format, save, close, open, reload) and it appears to be working correctly as far as I can determine. test

24se7en commented 1 year ago

this html works also fine by me, when i setup my data and save, close, open and load then the same problem, which qprompt version you use? Its realy strange i think its my version or windows sorry for all

videosmith commented 1 year ago

It's listed in my screen shots a few messages back.

24se7en commented 1 year ago Hi friends,

could it be that i make mistakes to set markers with hotkeys? I select a row in a text,marker with left marker, than select this marker and give it a hotkey with right marker,than i save as this data. I close Qprompt and startup Qprompt again and load new and than select my data

maybe you can give me an explanation how you exactly setup this

24se7en commented 1 year ago

I also tried the same as on my Windows 10 Pro on my iMac and i got same problem, so its me doing something wrong to setup i think I do as example this text file as attachment senna test 03.txt

I set name of song text as 1. .... and than as example some markers for refrain and couplet

videosmith commented 1 year ago

Please elaborate on hotkeys use.

24se7en commented 1 year ago

I give the markers hotkeys like 1, 2, 3, 4 etc... also i tried F8 and nummeriek 1, 2, 3

i have 25 songtitels and want to give them a number to select in the song himself i give normal markers

videosmith commented 1 year ago

How do you assign a key to a marker?

24se7en commented 1 year ago

First i select a text (row) in a song and marker this with width (left marker option) than i select that markerpoint and select right marker option (till i sign up blue) and i give on my laptop a hotkey ) Than i save as html and close qprompt, after that i open again qprompt and select/open saved file

videosmith commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure I understand. Can you provide pictures of the workflow?

24se7en commented 1 year ago

01.pdf 02.pdf 03.pdf 04.pdf 05.pdf 06.pdf 07.pdf

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that this is not an upstream bug, and that it is present in all versions of QPrompt.

The bad news is that the issue seems to affect the saved document's data, meaning opening past documents after the bug has been fixed will likely still present the issue.

I'm looking for a solution.

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry. I spoke too soon. This is an upstream bug in Qt that is affecting all versions of Qt 5...

This means I won't be able to fix this problem anytime soon, because QPrompt relies on the older Qt 5, and the bug needs to be fixed in Qt 6 for upstream to accept it. I don't know if Qt 6 contains the bug. QPrompt should be ported to Qt 6 before I attempt to fix the upstream issue. I've been transitioning to Qt 6 for two years now, and at this point am just waiting for QPrompt's other 3rd party libraries to complete their transition to Qt 6. If our timelines work out, QPrompt's transition to Qt 6 should be done within 2023.

Nevertheless, even if it is, I'm not sure that I'll be using Qt 6 for new releases immediately, for that would require dropping support for older systems, including the current Deb releases for the Raspberry Pi, and Windows systems earlier than Windows 10.

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

The issue causing QPrompt's bug was reported to Qt in Oct 8, 2014. Looks like we're going to have to fix this one ourselves, because they have given it no priority for almost a decade...

An alternative might be to define markers in a different way, but this would probably be more work than fixing the code upstream.

videosmith commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry. I spoke too soon. This is an upstream bug in Qt that is affecting all versions of Qt 5...

This means I won't be able to fix this problem anytime soon, because QPrompt relies on the older Qt 5, and the bug needs to be fixed in Qt 6 for upstream to accept it. I don't know if Qt 6 contains the bug. QPrompt should be ported to Qt 6 before I attempt to fix the upstream issue. I've been transitioning to Qt 6 for two years now, and at this point am just waiting for QPrompt's other 3rd party libraries to complete their transition to Qt 6. If our timelines work out, QPrompt's transition to Qt 6 should be done within 2023.

Nevertheless, even if it is, I'm not sure that I'll be using Qt 6 for new releases immediately, for that would require dropping support for older systems, including the current Deb releases for the Raspberry Pi, and Windows systems earlier than Windows 10.

Is this only in reference to the RPi native distros or Ubuntu's RPi distro as well?

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

It's in reference to Debian 11, which Raspberry Pi OS is based on and Ubuntu is based on and extends.

In its extending, Ubuntu provides newer Qt packages than Debian. But for QPrompt to run with Qt 6, it needs to be version 6.4.0 or later. Ubuntu 22.10 ships Qt 6.3.0. Now, Ubuntu 23.04 will come out this month, and it will ship Qt 6.4.2, which is perfect for QPrompt.

The only thing that would be left are the KDE dependencies, because these are still built against Qt 5.15.8. Because of this, I probably wouldn't make Deb packages, and instead focus on the universal formats.

If I were to successfully create a Deb package for Ubuntu 23.04, I would also need to package several KDE dependencies into packages of their own, or, alternatively, statically compile QPrompt, which would dramatically increase package size. This would nonetheless eliminate all reliance on system-wide Qt libraries.

videosmith commented 1 year ago

I assume this is the code in question?


It appears the script still functions correctly with assigned keys jumping to correct markers, only the label looks to be affected...

Removing the "a name="key_xx"" code reverts thar marker in the list to a correct label.

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

I assume this is the code in question?

That's precisely it. This is likely an issue with the HTML parser or the saving routines. I could maybe work around it by implementing my own XML processing routines that run after Qt's. I would probably have to do that anyway to save program settings within the document.

Nevertheless, the most appropriate solution would be to fix the problem upstream.

videosmith commented 1 year ago

Could the marker names be stored in a separate array to populate the marker list after file import?

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

That's a good idea. But I don't think it's possible right now, for it would still depend on two factors:

  1. Adding the ability to save arbitrary settings data into the document. Once that can be done, probably with an XML parser, then we could have a sequence of names tied to an ID and have that id match the ID of an anchor.
  2. Having the ability to set an id to an HTML tag. That sounds like a very basic thing, but Qt's support for HTML is limited to a subset of HTML 4, and does not support this. It can read most CSS selectors from HTML 4, including the ID selector #, and use them for styling, but I haven't found a way to add an ID to a DOM element.

The workaround to be implemented will probably have to be done in a way that's closer to XML 2 than to HTML 4.

24se7en commented 1 year ago

Last question, is it possible to save the speed as example standard on 4

24se7en commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to save the scrolling speed as example on 4, now it start at 0 or 3…

Is it possible to setup more marker hotkeys than 1 t/m 9 i need as example 25 to setup (so i can use it without marker text) and number the songs to select by hot keys, it would help me a lot

Thanks my friends

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

To avoid cluttering the issue tracker with topics unrelated to the issue at hand, please use the forum to ask unrelated questions, and write a feature requests for new features and suggestions. Having said that, I'm happy to answer.

Is it possible to save the scrolling speed as example on 4, now it start at 0 or 3…

Yes. Currently the velocity set at the time the user returns to edit mode is used as the start speed when the user starts prompting. The velocity is not saved when the prompter reaches the end, because when the animation is stopped, velocity is set back to 0 (and it would be confusing to start the prompter at 0 velocity).

This setting is not saved between prompting sessions. I can make it so that it is saved throughout the entire prompting session. My plan is for this setting to be saved on a per-script basis, but I can't do that at the time for reasons previously mentioned in this thread.

Is it possible to setup more marker hotkeys than 1 t/m 9 i need as example 25 to setup (so i can use it without marker text) and number the songs to select by hot keys, it would help me a lot

I'd have to add the ability to set key modifiers to the markers, so that Shift, Control/Command, and the Meta key can be used. These are currently configurable for program shortcuts, but not for markers.

Please file a Feature Request about this, so that I can add the feature to the v1.2 branch.

24se7en commented 1 year ago

Hi cuperino,

I want to inform if you think that in near future my suggestions could be solved in Qprompt, i tested Autocue Pioneer, but only works with monitors 4:3 instead of 16:9 as used on Stage