CyanGenesis / Digimobs-Issues

Bug Reports for Digimobs
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Failed Evolution that changes the Evolution when you degenerate a Digimon from an ugly champion #63

Closed Nuttehstar closed 2 years ago

Nuttehstar commented 2 years ago

Okay so, earlier someone from the Digimob Beyond server overfed their digimon and it turned into those ugly digimon champions. I was told that this was temporary so the evolution would be fixed easily, how I dunno. So I decided to test this theory by going onto Creative and taming a digimon as a test dummy. I tamed a Gabumon and overfed its favorite food and it digivolved into Nanimon. Oddly, the Nanimon still had the name "Gabumon" as its nickname so I suspected it was just a bug. After I degenerate it thinking it'll turn back into Gabumon, it instead degenerated into Elecmon.

I checked its Evolution and instead of Nanimon, it was that centaur digimon. I gave the Elecmon a bond and nothing changes its evolution.

So I think maybe if a digimon failed its evolution and reverts to rookie, its evolution is resetted to something different.

Nuttehstar commented 2 years ago

Okay so I tested it further and I dunno, but I tested this on other digimon and none of their evolution changed once reverted back to their normal states. so I dunno if it's just the Gabumon line that is screwed up or something.

CyanGenesis commented 2 years ago

It does appear that Gabumon has an extra line that he shouldn't. This has been remedied now for the next update.