CzechPMDevs / BuilderTools

🪓 Powerful World Editor plugin for PocketMine servers
Apache License 2.0
76 stars 37 forks source link

Tiles are copied wrong #149

Open UnEnanoMas opened 3 years ago

UnEnanoMas commented 3 years ago

There is a plugin that lets you register the objects with negative ID and thus put them in the world

The plugin is:

I don't know if it is possible to allow them with world edit


VixikHD commented 3 years ago

Test it first, then make an issue.

UnEnanoMas commented 3 years ago

I've already tried it, that's why I've opened an issue

The right side is a copy paste of the left

MrBlasyMSK commented 3 years ago

When will this be finished?

I say this because now there is a plugin that uses ExtendedBlocks to put 1.16 objects

And whenever you copy an object with negative ID, it automatically turns it into an "Update" block

VixikHD commented 3 years ago

Block Id -1 is not valid block id value in pocketmine 3.0. It's world formats support only blocks with ids 0-255.

MrBlasyMSK commented 3 years ago

Is there no way to add the negative ID blocks?

VixikHD commented 3 years ago

World format does not allow it.