D00Med / farlands

Steampunk/fantasy themed subgame with dinosaurs
29 stars 11 forks source link

Sleeping and nightmares #95

Open tobyplowy opened 6 years ago

tobyplowy commented 6 years ago

What needs to be done

If you sleep you seem to sink in the bed (that is probably a bug XD) If you lay in your bed the night shouldn't be skipped instantly it should take a couple seconds You also shouldn't be able to sleep if there are monsters nearby (like Minecraft) And nightmares should trigger rarely (we need to talk about what nightmares we add)

D00Med commented 6 years ago

@tobyplowy How should nightmares be done? I was thinking, whilst waiting for day, a black hud overlay could be added, then dreams could be images added over that. Also I was thinking, maybe sometimes stuff should disappear from the player's inventory when they use a bed.

tobyplowy commented 6 years ago

How should nightmares be done?

Maybe instead of skipping the night to Day you wake up and it's still night and you can't sleep anymore That's the good case in the bad case it will spawn a mob next to your bed (this can be a monster or something of boeggyman maybe)

hud overlay could be added, then dreams could be images added over that

Not sure if that will be good but I'm interested go on (tell me more)

maybe sometimes stuff should disappear from the player's inventory when they use a bed.

That sounds like a bad idea that will Make Some People Really mad and upset including me ;)

D00Med commented 6 years ago

Haha ok then

tobyplowy commented 6 years ago

@D00Med XD

tobyplowy commented 6 years ago

I know it all sounds ridiculous but there's no such thing as a bad idea only better ideas

Desour commented 6 years ago

What about special drinks that can be drunk to have a nice dream (eg. nc heaven) or a nightmare.

tobyplowy commented 6 years ago

@DS-Minetest that sounds like a nice idea

GreenXenith commented 6 years ago

What about special drinks that can be drunk to have a nice dream (eg. nc heaven) or a nightmare.

Or a potion that can be drunk to reduce change of nightmares (this does have potions, right?)

As for nightmares, I have an idea on that. I played with the HUD concept a bit ago with something I deemed "mysterious gloop" as a random experiment for a caverealms_plus mod. Throw some fungi and other things to get gloop, and when you eat it, you basically have a seizure. Bright colors and stuff flash on your screen. Using this concept, we can flash picturess of say, maybe a monster turning to look at the player in a snap-shot sort of effect (like the monster changes position every time the player "blinks"). Then the player wakes up (still night) and cannot use the bed for the rest of the night. Just my 2 cents :)

tobyplowy commented 6 years ago

@GreenXenith I can't tell if that's a good idea I have to see it in game to know

LoneWolfHT commented 6 years ago

What about a fake morning? For example: You sleep in bed and wake up. You find yourself in an open plain of sand with a giant rock nearby. You have no inventory. Then alluva sudden a giant monster/dinosuar spawns behind the rock and runs out at you. When you die you wake up in bed and your bones will be lying next to/above your bed.

D00Med commented 6 years ago

@LoneWolfHT Sounds good, but a bit too complicated

LoneWolfHT commented 6 years ago

Yea I just realized my mistake lol Maybe when you get more worlds (Like nether or the end in MC) you could do it. Just have the player tp there leaving inventory in Farlands and getting attack by all kinds of nightmarish mobs. Defending yourself with a steel/stone sword?

LoneWolfHT commented 6 years ago

Another idea: Make a video of a player in 3rd/1st person get attacked by a hoard of velociraptors. Then make a random chance of overlaying it over the players screen. I could make a video like that if it's possible to overlay. I could even do my first idea almost xD

D00Med commented 6 years ago

@tobyplowy I think that's all a bit too complicated. overlaying a video would be a pain. I've tried getting 3-4 frame HUD animations to work before, and it's very hard to do. What I think would be possible, it stopping the player from moving whilst an evil mob moves toward them. Maybe even make the screen flash red as if the player is being damaged.

GreenXenith's idea is good.

D00Med commented 6 years ago

@LoneWolfHT Sorry, I'm not talking to Toby. Just writing out of habit xD

GreenXenith commented 6 years ago

I can play around with my idea when I finish the inventories and chests (which might be a while).

LoneWolfHT commented 6 years ago

@GreenXenith @tobyplowy @D00Med (Sorry if that wasn't needed) Here's a mod you could use for it? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=17545

GreenXenith commented 6 years ago

No, I would use my own HUD code.

LoneWolfHT commented 6 years ago


tacotexmex commented 6 years ago

Have a look at my idea of how dreams could work.