D3DEnergetic / FIDASIM

A Neutral Beam and Fast-ion Diagnostic Modeling Suite
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Minor detail when installing #275

Closed JoseRuedaRueda closed 3 weeks ago

JoseRuedaRueda commented 1 month ago

I am using the master branch of the repository (to start testing and getting familiar with it. before trying to change anything) and followed the guide indicated in the readme: http://d3denergetic.github.io/FIDASIM/. I found a couple of minor bugs, all of them are 100% easy to bypass if the user thinks 3 seconds, but maybe we could change the documentation (please, fell 100% free to ignore this issue)

Table generation

When making the tables, the command in the guide is:

./tables/generate_tables ./tables/default_settings.dat [num_threads]

but the file default_settings.dat does not exist, the documentation should be changed to:

./tables/generate_tables ./tables/table_settings.dat [num_threads]

And if you run that command, from the FIDASIM root folder, as one could think should execute it because of the ./tables, the file is created in the root FIDASIM folder, so I would change the doc to:

cd tables
./generate_tables ./tables/table_settings.dat [num_threads]

Test execution

For preparing the test in python, it is said to execute the command:

run_tests.py, "/place/where/you/want/the/output"

which is copied from the IDL example, for python it should be:

python ./test/run_tests.py "/place/where/you/want/the/output"
lstagner commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed now