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Missing element in teiHeader: authority #166

Closed anacastrosalgado closed 1 year ago

anacastrosalgado commented 1 year ago

element "authority" not allowed: <authority> in <publicationStmt>


HELP WANTED: @laurentromary , @ttasovac

bansp commented 1 year ago

If I understand you well in #165 (hard to read), you may be after respStmt, which is where "principal researcher" is in a good company, although I sense that you might not be 100% satisfied with that.

  <resp>principal researcher</resp>
  <name>Jim Morrison</name>
anacastrosalgado commented 1 year ago

Hard to read, @bansp ? It is impossible to read! I'm using the GitHub app on my tablet... and I'm so dummy. Moving on...

In <authority> (contained by header) the suggested values are: funder, sponsor, rightsHolder. Do you think that there is any possibility to add the value "principalResearcher"? MORDigital is a funded project with a principal researcher, so I think it makes sense to add this information.

Even if I use <authority role="sponsor">, the element <authority> is not allowed in <publicationStmt> (expected element "availability", "date", "idno", "pubPlace" or "ref"). I also realised that we could just use <principal> (principal researcher) instead of <authority>.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<?xml-model href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DARIAH-ERIC/lexicalresources/master/Schemas/TEILex0/out/TEILex0.rng" 
    type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" 
    type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
            <title xml:lang="en" type="full">Morais Dictionary (1st ed., 1789): XML encoding</title>
            <principal>Rute Costa</principal>
               <resp>OCR tasks done by</resp>
               <name>Alexandre Carreira</name>
               <name>Margarida Ramos</name>
               <name>Joana Oliveira</name>
               <name>Ana Salgado</name>
               <resp>XML encoding by</resp>
               <name>Ana Salgado</name>
               <name>Bruno Almeida</name>
            <publisher>MorDigital Project (PTDC/LLT-LIN/6841/2020)</publisher>
            <!-- Could you add this value (principalResearcher)? It is a founded project with a principal researcher... SEE editionStmt/principal!!! -->
            <authority role="principalResearcher">Rute Costa</authority>
            <authority role="sponsor">FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia</authority>
               <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
                  <p>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</p>
                  <title level="m" type="main">Diccionario da lingua portugueza composto pelo padre
                     D. Rafael Bluteau, reformado, e accrescentado por Antonio de Moraes Silva,
                     natural do Rio de Janeiro</title>
                  <title level="m" type="sub">A – K</title>
                        <forename>António de</forename>
                        <surname>Morais Silva</surname>
                     <publisher>Officina de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira</publisher>
                     <note>Com Licença da Real Meza da Comissão Geral, sobre o Exame, e Censura dos
                     <!-- Please confirm distributor: describes the store where the dictionary was for sale. -->
                     <distributor>Vende-ſe na loja de Borel Borel, e Companhia, quaſi defronte da
                        Igreja nova de Noſſa Senhora dos Martyres, na eſquina.</distributor>
                  <extent>Tomo primeiro</extent>
                  <extent>752 pp.</extent>
                  <title level="m" type="main">Diccionario da lingua portugueza composto pelo padre
                     D. Rafael Bluteau, reformado, e accrescentado por Antonio de Moraes Silva,
                     natural do Rio de Janeiro</title>
                  <title level="m" type="sub">L – Z</title>
                        <forename>António de</forename>
                        <surname>Morais Silva</surname>
                     <publisher>Officina de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira</publisher>
                  <extent>Tomo segundo</extent>
                  <extent>541 pp.</extent>
            <!-- In progress. -->
            <p>We already had access to OCR’ed versions of the dictionary editions at the beginning
               of the project. These files needed to be post-corrected. For this, we decided to use
               ABBYY FineReader.</p>
            <!-- In progress. -->
            <p>Original spelling and typography is retained.</p>
            <p>Errors found in original OCR were all controlled.</p>
         <!-- Hierarchical usage labels: includes only Medicine domain label -->
            <taxonomy xml:id="domain">
               <category xml:id="domain.medical_and_health_sciences">
                  <catDesc xml:lang="en">Medical_and Health Sciences</catDesc>
                  <catDesc xml:lang="pt">Ciências Médicas e da Saúde</catDesc>
                  <category xml:id="domain.medical_and_health_sciences.medicine">
                     <!-- In MORAIS, Med./(t.)Medico -->
                     <catDesc xml:lang="en">Medicine</catDesc>
                     <catDesc xml:lang="pt">Medicina</catDesc>
            <language role="objectLanguage" ident="pt">Portuguese</language>
            <language role="workingLanguage" ident="en">English</language>
         <!-- Different sections start here -->
         <div type="section" n="1">
            <p>Foi taxado eſte Livro em papel a dous mil reis. Meza 8 de Junho de 1789.</p>
            <p><hi rend="italic">Com tres rubricas.</hi></p>
         <!-- [...] -->
ttasovac commented 1 year ago

I really don't want us to re-introduce <principal> when you can use <resp> here. There is no need to have a special element for a special responsibility when you have a general element that you can use to describe all kinds of responsibilities within a project.

If I managed to convince @laurentromary to get rid of <pos> and to <gram type="pos">, I hope I'll be able to do the same here. 😄

anacastrosalgado commented 1 year ago

Looks good. I will go for <resp>, <persName> and <orgName>. And also thanks, @bansp , for the suggestion.

               <resp>Principal researcher</resp>
               <persName>Rute Costa</persName>
               <orgName>NOVA CLUNL, Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa</orgName>
               <persName>Rute Costa</persName>
               <orgName>NOVA CLUNL, Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa</orgName>
               <persName>Sara Carvalho</persName>
               <orgName n="1">NOVA CLUNL, Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa</orgName>
               <orgName n="2">CLLC, Centro de Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas da Universidade de Aveiro</orgName>
               <persName>Ana Salgado</persName>
               <orgName n="1">NOVA CLUNL, Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa</orgName>
               <orgName n="2">Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Instituto de Lexicologia e Lexicografia da Língua Portuguesa</orgName>
               <persName>Bruno Almeida</persName>
               <orgName>NOVA CLUNL, Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa</orgName>
               <persName>Margarida Ramos</persName>
               <orgName>NOVA CLUNL, Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa</orgName>
               <persName>Raquel Silva</persName>
               <orgName n="1">NOVA CLUNL, Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa</orgName>
               <orgName n="2">VOH.CoLAB, Value for Health CoLAB</orgName>
               <persName>Alexandre Carreira</persName>
               <orgName>NOVA CLUNL, Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa</orgName>
               <persName>Joana Oliveira</persName>
               <orgName>NOVA CLUNL, Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa</orgName>
               <persName>Fahad Khan</persName>
               <orgName>Istituto Di Linguistica Computazionale ‘A. Zampolli’</orgName>
               <persName>Laurent Romary</persName>
               <orgName>Inria-ALMAnaCH Lab</orgName>
               <persName>Mohamed Khemakhem</persName>
               <orgName>Inria-ALMAnaCH Lab + Université Grenoble Alpes</orgName>
               <persName>Toma Tasovac</persName>
               <orgName n="1">DARIAH-EU, Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities</orgName>
               <orgName n="2">BCDH, Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities</orgName>
               <persName>Maria Filomena Gonçalves</persName>
               <persName>Jorge Gracia</persName>
               <resp>OCR tasks done by</resp>
               <persName>Alexandre Carreira</persName>
               <persName>Margarida Ramos</persName>
               <persName>Joana Oliveira</persName>
               <persName>Joana Oliveira</persName>
               <resp>XML encoding by</resp>
               <persName>Ana Salgado</persName>
               <persName>Bruno Almeida</persName>
               <persName>Toma Tasovac</persName>
         <!-- [...] -->