DAlperin / terraform-provider-fly-io

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Cosmetic: consistent naming of input parameters #11

Closed hb9cwp closed 2 years ago

hb9cwp commented 2 years ago

Data source fly_app expects name as input, whereas fly_cert and fly_ip both expect app for the same thing. All do accept an application name. But, I have not tried with their ID yet, in case they are treated interchangeably.

hb9cwp commented 2 years ago

With simple example.tf below, and an app that was launched by flyctl before (e.g. outside of Terraform), just do:

$ export FLY_TOKEN=$(fly auth token)
$ terraform init
$ terraform validate
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
terraform {
  required_providers {
    fly = {
      #source = "dov.dev/fly/fly-provider"
      source  = "DAlperin/fly-io"
      version = "0.0.4"

provider "fly" {
   # Don't do this:
  #flytoken = "abc123" # If not set checks env for FLY_TOKEN
   # But do:
  # $ export FLY_TOKEN=$(fly auth token)

data "fly_app" "exampleApp" {
  # https://registry.terraform.io/providers/DAlperin/fly-io/latest/docs/data-sources/app
  name = "https-helloworld-11"
  #depends_on = [fly_app.exampleApp]    <=== Data does not depend on any (imported) Resources!

output "Data_app" {
  value = data.fly_app.exampleApp

output "Data_app_IPaddrs" {
  value = data.fly_app.exampleApp.ipaddresses

data "fly_cert" "exampleCert" {
  # https://registry.terraform.io/providers/DAlperin/fly-io/latest/docs/data-sources/cert
  app = "https-helloworld-11"
  hostname = "flyhelloword.a0t.ch"

output "Data_cert" {
  value = data.fly_cert.exampleCert

output "Data_cert_check" {
  value = data.fly_cert.exampleCert.check
DAlperin commented 2 years ago

Yeahhhh sorry about that. This is on the list. Will be fixed soon

DAlperin commented 2 years ago

But in your particular example I have a rationale:

Data source fly_app expects name as input, whereas fly_cert and fly_ip both expect app for the same thing.

I use app for fly_ip and fly_cert because they belong to an app. For fly_app I use name since I am not referencing an existing app, I am naming this new resource. Might be to complicated though, let me know what you think.

hb9cwp commented 2 years ago

Ok, this makes sense, thanks.