DE-IBH / apt-dater

terminal-based remote package update manager
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Debian 8 doesn't display current Kernel version in listing. #121

Closed Tyrewt closed 5 years ago

Tyrewt commented 8 years ago

Running Apt-Dater 0.9.0-3+wheezy1 on Debian 7. Within the host listing, Debian 8 servers do not show current Kernel version and display as "Debian 8.5 jessie; Linux", where as Debian 7 shows current Kernel version "Debian 7.11 wheezy; 3.2.0-4-amd64".

Potential bug?

liske commented 8 years ago

Could you please show the output of apt-dater-host status on the affected jessie host run as the same user you are using in apt-dater? The last line should be KERNELINFO: showing the current kernel version.

Tyrewt commented 8 years ago

KERNELINFO: 0 3.16.0-4-amd64

Note: Most likely doesn't make a difference, but that command required sudo. My UID in apt-dater used to access all systems has the password disabled (passwd --lock). So I control + C out of the sudo prompt and information you requested displayed.

Tyrewt commented 8 years ago

Has this been identified as an issue?

Tyrewt commented 7 years ago

Status update?

liske commented 7 years ago

You must not get a sudo query If you run apt-dater-host status as the same user as from apt-dater. Since I'm not able to reproduce this issue it might be just a missing sudoers configuration (take a look at /etc/sudoers.d/apt-dater-host).

Tyrewt commented 7 years ago

Keep in mind this works with Debian 7/Cent OS 6. My apt-dater user has the following in sudoers configuration on the remote server:

ursername ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get, /usr/bin/aptitude

Also, /etc/sudoers.d/apt-dater-host has never been modified.

Content of this file cannot be quote on GitHub without formatting issues so I removed it.

Tyrewt commented 7 years ago

Same issue with Debian 9. Can you please clarify how to troubleshoot or if more information is required from me.

I've ran "apt-dater-host status" from the host as the user and can see the output (including kernel info). One thing to note is that command prompts for a password, the user is locked with "passwd --lock " to prevent access, but the command runs.

Please advise. Thank you.

liske commented 7 years ago

Could you please check if your sudoers does contain a requiretty? This would prevent apt-dater-host status to succeed if run non-interactive.

Tyrewt commented 7 years ago

I checked the /etc/sudoers config on a Debian 7, 8 and 9 host. None of them mention "requiretty", but as indicated in the initial bug report Debian 7 hosts display the Kernel version within Apt-Dater and Debian 8/9 do not.

Tyrewt commented 7 years ago


Note in this screenshot, Debian 7 sows Kernel version, Debian 9 (outlined in red) does not.

liske commented 7 years ago

After reading the issue from the beginning I realized that I was maybe misdirected by the sudo stuff. Is it correct that you still running apt-dater on Wheezy? Any machines running Jessie+ won't show kernel informations since there was a major change in apt-dater(-host) 1.0.0. Although apt-dater should support older apt-dater-host versions, the other way around is not supported.

Tyrewt commented 7 years ago

Apt-dater (0.9.0) is running on Debian 7. It's unfortunate this feature has been removed, was rather useful.

liske commented 7 years ago

The feature is still available but the implementation has changed. More recent versions of apt-dater(-host) use needrestart the get the current and available kernel versions.

Tyrewt commented 5 years ago
  1. If I execute apt-dater-host status the Kernel version is displayed. However, I noticed only some hosts (Debian 9.11) in Apt-Dater are displaying the Kernel version. You mentioned needrestart , but what should I be checking for?

  2. It also appears that hosts built from Debian 9 work but upgraded hosts do not. Would the issue have something to do with hosts that have been upgraded from Debian 8 to Debian 9?

  3. Does this feature work with Debian 10 Buster?

liske commented 5 years ago
  1. If I execute apt-dater-host status the Kernel version is displayed. However, I noticed only some hosts (Debian 9.11) in Apt-Dater are displaying the Kernel version. You mentioned needrestart , but what should I be checking for?

You need to install the package. Since it is listed as Recommends in apt-dater-host it might get installed automaticaly.

  1. It also appears that hosts built from Debian 9 work but upgraded hosts do not. Would the issue have something to do with hosts that have been upgraded from Debian 8 to Debian 9?

Could you check if needrestart might make the difference? As it is only recommended by apt-dater-host it might not get be installed while dist-upgrading.

  1. Does this feature work with Debian 10 Buster?

It should work as in stretch.

Please use independend issue(s) for new problems or bugs.