To support .NET Developers and Testers in building Web application tests.
Removing direct dependencies on specific test tools in PageModels and Tests and depending on this library to abstract common components and common query providers.
Allows sharing components among different types of tests (Presentation layer tests, Integration Tests, EndToEnd UI tests) by substituing querying providers.
The Dfe.Testing.Pages library supports the below providers
services.AddAngleSharp<TApplicationProgram>(); // TApplicationProgram is your .NET Program class for your Web Application
In order to use the library you will need to setup [DependencyInjection](TODO LINK) inside of your tests and register the provider you want for that test suite. Below is an example of how you setup DependencyInjection.
// This uses the Singleton pattern that wraps the DependencyInjection container allowing for the services to be configured and built once.
// The `IServiceProvider` once built, is delegated responsibility for creating registered implementations of types and managing their lifetimes.
// An `IServiceScope` is a child scope of the root DependencyInjection container, when you resolve through a scope, after you dispose of the scope - `Scoped` dependencies are disposed of.
.AddScoped<TInterface, TImplementation>();
_scope.Dispose(); // My scoped instance gets disposed, my Singleton remains
internal sealed class DependencyInjection
private static readonly DependencyInjection _instance = new();
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
static DependencyInjection()
private DependencyInjection()
IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection()
// ToAddAngleSharp .AddAngleSharp<Program>();
// ToAddWebDriver .AddWebDriver();
_serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
public static DependencyInjection Instance
return _instance;
internal IServiceScope CreateScope() => _serviceProvider.CreateScope();
// Separately you want to consume this in your BaseTestClass
public abstract class BaseTest : IDisposable
private readonly IServiceScope _serviceScope;
protected BaseHttpTest()
_serviceScope = DependencyInjection.Instance.CreateScope();
protected T GetTestService<T>()
=> _serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<T>()
?? throw new ArgumentNullException($"Unable to resolve type {typeof(T)}");
public void Dispose()
// Any test class you inherit from BaseTest gets access to the container and a new scope is created per test
public sealed class MyTestClass : BaseTest
public async Task MyTest()
IPageFactory pageFactory = GetTestService<IPageFactory>(); // is available
When building PageModels you want to:
public sealed class HomePage
public HomePage(
NavigationBarComponent navBar,
SearchComponent search,
FilterComponent filter)
Search = search ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(search));
Filter = filter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter));
NavBar = navBar ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(navBar));
// Can reuse these across PageModels
public NavigationBarComponent NavBar { get; }
public SearchComponent Search { get; }
public FilterComponent Filter { get; }
public sealed class HomePage
public string GetHeading() => ...
// GDSComponent provided by the library
GDSTextInput textInput = new()
Name = "searchKeyWord",
Value = "",
PlaceHolder = "Search by keyword",
Type = "text"
public sealed class HomePage
public GDSTextInput GetSearchInput() => _textInputFactory.Create();
public record GDSTextInput
public required string Name { get; init; }
public required string Value { get; init; }
public required string? PlaceHolder { get; init; } = null;
public required string? Type { get; init; } = null;
public record Facet(string Name, IEnumerable<FacetValue> FacetValues);
public record FacetValue(string Label, string Value);
new Facet
Name: "Facet name",
FacetValues: []
new Facet
Name: "Facet name",
FacetValues: []
public sealed class HomePage
public IEnumerable<Facet> GetDisplayedFacets()
=> _formFactory.Get().FieldSets
(fieldSet) => new Facet(
Name: fieldSet.Legend,
FacetValues: fieldSet.Checkboxes.Select(
(checkbox) => new FacetValue(checkbox.Label, checkbox.Value))));
When using the PageModels you want to create them using the PageFactory
which sets up your pages to use the IDocumentQueryClient
public sealed class MyTestClass : BaseTest{
public async Task MyTest()
HttpRequestMessage homePageRequest = new()
Uri = new("/")
HomePage homePage = await GetTestService<IPageFactory>().CreatePageAsync<HomePage>(homePageRequest);