DFE-Digital / register-early-career-teachers

This application will replace the Manage training for early career teachers service in 2025.
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Create proposal for how services should be separated and named in ECF2 ✏ #26

Open claire-hughez opened 2 months ago

claire-hughez commented 2 months ago


In the current ECF services, all users gain access from 1 login page:


We should consider if we wanted that to include, or if we want a better alternative.

There is evidence in discovery findings that access to the service is a painpoint, and terminology used to refer to the services is inconsistent.


Create a proposal to include:

Context & links


gracecbrennan commented 1 month ago

Dom has started to draft names for AB service and school-based users as well as the front page for each service.

Dom-Collins commented 1 month ago

Initial front page ideas for ABs and school users.

gracecbrennan commented 1 month ago

@Dom-Collins is going to have a look at comments and respond today.

mason-emily commented 1 month ago

Dom has responded to most comments, working on last ones today

gracecbrennan commented 1 month ago

This ticket is now complete :)