DFE-Digital / register-early-career-teachers

This application will replace the Manage training for early career teachers service in 2025.
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Signpost user when ECT doesn't have a TRN #766

Open mason-emily opened 2 days ago

mason-emily commented 2 days ago


This story will add a page to signpost the user when the ECT they are trying to register doesn't have a TRN.

User story

As school user I need to know what to do if an ECT I want to register doesn't have a TRN So that I can find or request a TRN for them as this is needed for registration

Prototype, screenshots & content

Link to page in prototype

Screenshots of relevant screens:


Content should be as per the screenshots above. URL should be as per this doc.

Acceptance criteria

Technical notes

Linked tickets

Same flow/page with slightly different content in the mentor journey #765

Dependent on #473

claire-hughez commented 1 day ago

ECTs need QTS, so they must have a TRN. It doesn't make as much sense to me as in the Register a mentor journey, where mentors aren't required to have QTS (qualified teaching status). So mentors validly might not have an existing TRN.

We should also never ask ECTs to request a TRN. They will need to have one already as part of their QTS. It could lead to duplicates + waste the time of TRA support, and also not be linked to their QTS which means they wouldn't be eligible to be funded later unless it's corrected.