DFRobot / DFRobot_BMP3XX

MIT License
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This is a Library for BMP3XX, the function is to read temperature and pressure. The BMP(390L/388) is a digital sensor with pressure and temperature measurement based on proven sensing principles. The sensor module is housed in an extremely compact 10-pin metal-lid LGA package with a footprint of only 2.0 × 2.0 mm² and max 0.8 mm package height. Its small dimensions and its low power consumption of 3.2 µA @1Hz allow the implementation in battery driven devices such as mobile phones, GPS modules or watches.

BMP388(Gravity)产品实物图 BMP390L(Fermion)产品实物图

Product Link (https://www.dfrobot.com/search-bmp3.html)

SKU: SEN0423/SEN0371/SEN0251

Table of Contents



To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.


   * @fn begin
   * @brief initialization function
   * @return int type, means returning initialization status
   * @retval 0 NO_ERROR
   * @retval -1 ERR_DATA_BUS
   * @retval -2 ERR_IC_VERSION
  virtual int begin(void);

   * @fn setSamplingMode
   * @brief commonly used sampling modes that allows users to configure easily
   * @param mode:
   * @n       eUltraLowPrecision, Ultra-low precision, suitable for monitoring weather (lowest power consumption), the power is mandatory mode.
   * @n       eLowPrecision, Low precision, suitable for random detection, power is normal mode
   * @n       eNormalPrecision1, Normal precision 1, suitable for dynamic detection on handheld devices (e.g on mobile phones), power is normal mode
   * @n       eNormalPrecision2, Normal precision 2, suitable for drones, power is normal mode
   * @n       eHighPrecision, High precision, suitable for low-power handled devices (e.g mobile phones), power is normal mode
   * @n       eUltraPrecision, Ultra-high precision, suitable for indoor navigation, its acquisition rate will be extremely low, and the acquisition cycle is 1000 ms.
   * @return boolean, indicates configuration results
   * @retval True indicates configuration succeeds, successfully update the configuration
   * @retval False indicates configuration fails and remains its original state
  bool setSamplingMode(ePrecisionMode_t mode);

   * @fn getSamplingPeriodUS
   * @brief Get the sampling period in the current mode
   * @return Return sampling period, unit: us
  uint32_t getSamplingPeriodUS(void);

   * @fn readTempC
   * @brief Get temperature measurement value from register, working range (-40 ‒ +85 °C)
   * @return Return temperature measurements, unit: °C
  float readTempC(void);

   * @fn readPressPa
   * @brief Get pressure measurement value from register, working range(300‒1250 hPa)
   * @return Return pressure measurements, unit: Pa
   * @attention If the reference value is provided before, the absolute value of the current position pressure is calculated according to the calibrated sea level atmospheric pressure
  float readPressPa(void);

   * @fn calibratedAbsoluteDifference
   * @brief Take the given current location altitude as the reference value to eliminate the absolute difference for subsequent pressure and altitude data
   * @param altitude Altitude in current position
   * @return boolean, indicates whether the reference value is set successfully
   * @retval True indicates the reference value is set successfully
   * @retval False indicates fail to set the reference value
  bool calibratedAbsoluteDifference(float altitude);

   * @fn readAltitudeM
   * @brief Calculate the altitude based on the atmospheric pressure measured by the sensor
   * @return Return altitude, unit: m
   * @attention If the reference value is provided before, the absolute value of the current sealevel is calculated according to the calibrated sea level atmospheric pressure
  float readAltitudeM(void);

   * @fn getFIFOData
   * @brief Get the cached data in the FIFO
   * @param FIFOTemperatureC the variable for storing temperature measured data
   * @param FIFOPressurePa the variable for storing pressure measured data
   * @brief Temperature unit: °C; Pressure unit: Pa
   * @return None
  void getFIFOData(float &FIFOTemperatureC, float &FIFOPressurePa);

   * @fn setCommand
   * @brief FIFO empty command and soft reset command of sensor
   * @param mode Basic sensor commands, three types of commands: 
   * @n       BMP3XX_CMD_NOP, Null command
   * @n       BMP3XX_CMD_FIFO_FLUSH, Clear all data in the FIFO without changing its settings  
   * @n       BMP3XX_CMD_SOFTRESET, Trigger a reset, all user configuration settings will be overwritten by their default state
  void setCommand(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn setFIFOWTM
   * @brief FIFO water level settings configuration
   * @param WTMSetting FIFO water level (0-511) needs to be set. That FIFO fills up to the water level will trigger an interrupt
  void setFIFOWTM(uint16_t WTMSetting);

   * @fn setFIFOMode1
   * @brief FIFO configuration 1 (FIFO1)
   * @param mode The FIFO mode needs to set, the following modes add up to mode:
   * @n       eFIFODIS: Disable FIFO , eFIFOEN: Enable FIFO
   * @n       eFIFOStopOnFullDIS: Continue writing when full , eFIFOStopOnFullEN: Stop writing when full
   * @n       eFIFOTimeDIS: Disable , eFIFOTimeEN: Enable return to the sensor time frame after the last valid data frame
   * @n       eFIFOPressDIS: Disable pressure data storage , eFIFOPressEN: Enable pressure data storage
   * @n       eFIFOTempDIS: Disable temperature data storage, eFIFOTempEN: Enable temperature data storage
   * @return None
  void setFIFOMode1(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn setFIFOMode2
   * @brief FIFO Configuration 2 (FIFO2)
   * @param mode The FIFO mode needs to set, the following modes add up to mode:
   * @n       8 FIFO sampling options for pressure and temperature data (1-128), the coefficient is 2^fifo_subsampling(0-7): 
   * @n         eFIFOSubsampling0, eFIFOSubsampling1, eFIFOSubsampling2, eFIFOSubsampling3,
   * @n         eFIFOSubsampling4, eFIFOSubsampling5, eFIFOSubsampling6, eFIFOSubsampling7,
   * @n       eFIFODataSelectDIS: Unfiltered data (compensated or uncompensated) , eFIFODataSelectEN: Filtered data (compensated or uncompensated), plus two retention states: 
   * @n                            the same as "unfilt"
   * @return None
  void setFIFOMode2(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn setINTMode
   * @brief Interrupt configuration(INT)
   * @param mode The interrupt mode needs to set. The following modes add up to mode: 
   * @n       Interrupt pin output mode: eINTPinPP: Push pull, eINTPinOD: Open drain
   * @n       Interrupt pin active level: eINTPinActiveLevelLow: Active low , eINTPinActiveLevelHigh: Active high
   * @n       Register interrupt latch: eINTLatchDIS: Disable, eINTLatchEN: Enable
   * @n       FIFO water level reached interrupt: eIntFWtmDis: Disable, eIntFWtmEn: Enable
   * @n       FIFO full interrupt: eINTFFullDIS: Disable, eINTFFullEN: Enable
   * @n       Interrupt pin initial (invalid, non-interrupt) level: eINTInitialLevelLOW: low , eINTInitialLevelHIGH: high
   * @n       Interrupt pin initial (invalid, non-interrupt) level:  eINTDataDrdyDIS: Disable , eINTDataDrdyEN: Enable
   * @return None
  void setINTMode(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn setPWRMode
   * @brief Configure measurement mode and power mode 
   * @param mode The measurement mode and power mode that need to set. The following modes add up to mode:
   * @n       ePressDIS: Disable pressure measurement , ePressEN: Enable pressure measurement
   * @n       eTempDIS: Disable temperature measurement , eTempEN: Enable temperature measurement
   * @n       eSleepMode, eForcedMode, eNormalMode Three modes: 
   * @n         Sleep mode: It will be in sleep mode by default after power-on reset. In this mode, no measurement is performed and power consumption is minimal. 
   * @n                     All registers are accessible for reading the chip ID and compensation coefficient.
   * @n         Forced mode: In this mode, the sensor will take a single measurement according to the selected measurement and filtering options. After the measurement is 
   * @n                      completed, the sensor will return to sleep mode, and the measurement result can be obtained in the register.
   * @n         Normal mode: Continuously loop between the measurement period and the standby period. The output data rates are related to the ODR mode setting.
   * @return None
  void setPWRMode(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn setOSRMode
   * @brief Configure the oversampling when measuring pressure and temperature (OSR:over-sampling register)
   * @param mode Oversampling mode of pressure and temperature measurement need to be set. The following modes add up to mode:
   * @n       6 pressure oversampling modes:
   * @n          ePressOSRMode1,  Pressure sampling×1, 16 bit / 2.64 Pa(Recommend temperature oversampling×1)
   * @n          ePressOSRMode2,  Pressure sampling×2, 16 bit / 2.64 Pa(Recommend temperature oversampling×1)
   * @n          ePressOSRMode4,  Pressure sampling×4, 18 bit / 0.66 Pa(Recommend temperature oversampling×1)
   * @n          ePressOSRMode8,  Pressure sampling×8, 19 bit / 0.33 Pa(Recommend temperature oversampling×2)
   * @n          ePressOSRMode16,  Pressure sampling×16, 20 bit / 0.17 Pa(Recommend temperature oversampling×2)
   * @n          ePressOSRMode32,  Pressure sampling×32, 21 bit / 0.085 Pa(Recommend temperature oversampling×2)
   * @n        6 temperature oversampling modes
   * @n          eTempOSRMode1,  Temperature sampling×1, 16 bit / 0.0050 °C
   * @n          eTempOSRMode2,  Temperature sampling×2, 16 bit / 0.0025 °C
   * @n          eTempOSRMode4,  Temperature sampling×4, 18 bit / 0.0012 °C
   * @n          eTempOSRMode8,  Temperature sampling×8, 19 bit / 0.0006 °C
   * @n          eTempOSRMode16,  Temperature sampling×16, 20 bit / 0.0003 °C
   * @n          eTempOSRMode32,  Temperature sampling×32, 21 bit / 0.00015 °C
   * @return None
  void setOSRMode(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn setODRMode
   * @brief Set the output data rate setting in subdivision/sub-sampling mode(ODR:output data rates)
   * @param mode The output data rate needs to be set, configurable mode: 
   * @n       BMP3XX_ODR_200_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_100_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_50_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_25_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_12P5_HZ, 
   * @n       BMP3XX_ODR_6P25_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_3P1_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_1P5_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_0P78_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_0P39_HZ, 
   * @n       BMP3XX_ODR_0P2_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_0P1_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_0P05_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_0P02_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_0P01_HZ, 
   * @n       BMP3XX_ODR_0P006_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_0P003_HZ, BMP3XX_ODR_0P0015_HZ
   * @return boolean, indicates configuration results
   * @retval True indicates configuration succeeds, successfully update the configuration
   * @retval False indicates configuration fails and remains its original state
  bool setODRMode(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn setIIRMode
   * @brief IIR filter coefficient configuration (IIR filtering)
   * @param mode Set IIR filter coefficient, configurable mode: 
   * @return None
  void setIIRMode(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn getFIFOLength
   * @brief Get FIFO cached data size
   * @return Range of returned value: 0-511
  uint16_t getFIFOLength(void);


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Written by qsjhyy(yihuan.huang@dfrobot.com), 2021. (Welcome to our website)