DH-IT-Portal-Development / ethics

Ethical Committee web application in Django
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

====== FEtC-H

Ethical Committee web application in Django


This Django project allows a user to apply a research project for ethical review. It was custom-tailored for the Faculty Ethics Committee - Humanities (FEtC-H) of Utrecht University_.


(Somewhat) detailed HTML documentation can be found in the docs folder. A HTML version of the docs can be generated by sphinx, and a prebuild version is located in the docs/_build/html folder.

As a hasty programmer sometimes forgets things, it's recommended you rebuild the documentation yourself once in a while. You can do this by exectuting the following commands in the docs folder::

make clean # autodoc gets confused if you don't clean the existing folder
make html

You can make any Sphinx supported format you want of course. Just replace the html with the desired format.


The main language of this web application is Dutch, as it's aimed towards the mostly avid Dutch-speaking researchers of Utrecht University. However, since October 2016, there is a full English translation available, compiled by Anna Asbury_. Translations in other languages are welcome, of course.

.. _Django: https://www.djangoproject.com/ .. _Faculty Ethics Committee - Humanities: https://fetc-gw.wp.hum.uu.nl .. _Utrecht University: https://www.uu.nl .. _Anna Asbury: http://www.annaasbury.com/