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[v8.0.48] Which proxy are we talking about here ? #7665

Closed marianne013 closed 3 months ago

marianne013 commented 3 months ago


I'm trying to work out why the dirac-dms-replicate-and-register command seems to avoid using our FTS server. I am sure it used to work. Hrmpf. In the process of doing this I fished the following error out of DataManagement/FTS3Agent. Any idea how I can convince it to tell me which proxy it is talking about ? This is on the pre-prod server and the request (there should only be one) was submitted with the same proxy it managed to submit a bunch of jobs with, so as far as I cam concerned it should be happy.

2024-06-10 13:38:45 UTC DataManagement/FTS3Agent ERROR: Error generating context ClientError('Client error: Bad request: Could not process the proxy: Failed to verify the proxy, maybe signed with the wrong private key?')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/delegator.py", line 291, in delegate
    self._put_proxy(delegation_id, x509_proxy_pem)
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/delegator.py", line 242, in _put_proxy
    self.context.put("/delegation/" + delegation_id + "/credential", x509_proxy)
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/context.py", line 220, in put
    return self._requester.method(
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/request.py", line 128, in method
    self._handle_error(url, response.status_code, response.text)
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/request.py", line 75, in _handle_error
    raise ClientError("Bad request: " + message)
fts3.rest.client.exceptions.ClientError: Client error: Bad request: Could not process the proxy: Failed to verify the proxy, maybe signed with the wrong private key?

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/dirac/DIRAC/src/DIRAC/DataManagementSystem/Client/FTS3Job.py", line 787, in generateContext
    fts3.delegate(context, lifetime=td_lifetime, delegate_when_lifetime_lt=td_lifetime // 3)
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/easy/delegate.py", line 40, in delegate
    return delegator.delegate(lifetime, force, delegate_when_lifetime_lt)
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/delegator.py", line 296, in delegate
    raise ClientError(str(e)).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/delegator.py", line 291, in delegate
    self._put_proxy(delegation_id, x509_proxy_pem)
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/delegator.py", line 242, in _put_proxy
    self.context.put("/delegation/" + delegation_id + "/credential", x509_proxy)
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/context.py", line 220, in put
    return self._requester.method(
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/request.py", line 128, in method
    self._handle_error(url, response.status_code, response.text)
  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/request.py", line 75, in _handle_error
    raise ClientError("Bad request: " + message)
fts3.rest.client.exceptions.ClientError: Client error: Client error: Bad request: Could not process the proxy: Failed to verify the proxy, maybe signed with the wrong private key?
2024-06-10 13:38:45 UTC DataManagement/FTS3Agent/treatOperation/121 ERROR: Could not get context {'OK': False, 'Errno': 0, 'Message': "ClientError('Client error: Bad request: Could not process the proxy: Failed to verify the proxy, maybe signed with the wrong private key?')", 'CallStack': ['  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/threading.py", line 1002, in _bootstrap\n    self._bootstrap_inner()\n', '  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/threading.py", line 1045, in _bootstrap_inner\n    self.run()\n', '  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/threading.py", line 982, in run\n    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)\n', '  File "/opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 125, in worker\n    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))\n', '  File "/opt/dirac/DIRAC/src/DIRAC/DataManagementSystem/Agent/FTS3Agent.py", line 484, in _treatOperation\n    res = self.getFTS3Context(ftsJob.username, ftsJob.userGroup, ftsServer, threadID=threadID)\n', '  File "/opt/dirac/DIRAC/src/DIRAC/DataManagementSystem/Agent/FTS3Agent.py", line 206, in getFTS3Context\n    res = FTS3Job.generateContext(ftsServer, proxyFile, lifetime=self.proxyLifetime)\n', '  File "/opt/dirac/DIRAC/src/DIRAC/DataManagementSystem/Client/FTS3Job.py", line 792, in generateContext\n    return S_ERROR(repr(e))\n']}

Possibly one for @chaen to comment ?

chaen commented 3 months ago

This would be the proxy used to connect to the FTS3 server. Printouts in FTS3Job.generateContext would tell you more.

marianne013 commented 3 months ago

So that gets me:

/opt/dirac/work/DataManagement/FTS3Agent/1718028385_daniela.bauer_lz_user_fts00.grid.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk_Thread-18 (worker).pem

Looking at the name, it's an LZ proxy, and it's in my name, which is as expected, the lifetime is 43200 s. (I just printed the input to FTS3Job.generateContext). I ran: openssl x509 -in "/opt/dirac/work/DataManagement/FTS3Agent/1718028385_daniela.bauer_lz_user_fts00.grid.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk_Thread-18 (worker).pem" -noout -text and got no complaint. Any idea what else I can check ? @sfayer: FYI

chaen commented 3 months ago

The error would be on the server side, do you have access to the logs ? Is it a recent release of FTS? It could be that the proxy is too short, I think the minimum is now 2048

marianne013 commented 3 months ago

The proxy is 2048. I have access to the server logs, but I can't find any mention in there, unless I am looking in the wrong place. It is a very recent version of FTS, in fact it has been very recently been upgraded to Rocky9 :-S

chaen commented 3 months ago

Ah ! is there Sha1 anywhere in the chain ?

chaen commented 3 months ago


marianne013 commented 3 months ago

No, it's an honest to goodness UK CA based proxy which is not on the naughty list.

marianne013 commented 3 months ago

So Simon just found a SHA1 somewhere (at the very end of the chain). At what point (version) did diracos stop generating those ?

marianne013 commented 3 months ago

We were running diracos2.38 which had 'sha1' at /opt/dirac/diracos/lib/python3.1/site-packages/fts3/rest/client/delegator.py (~ line 237). Upgrading to diracos2.42 fixed the issue. Having said this 2.38 is from February, why was this still around in February this year ?!