Open oovm opened 4 years ago
Define the following interface to facilitate the ts project:
type Audio = { name: String, url: String, artist: String, cover: String, lrc: String, theme: String, type: 'auto' | 'hls' | 'normal' } type AplayerOptions = { container: HTMLElement, fixed: Boolean, mini: Boolean, autoplay: Boolean, theme: String, loop: 'all' | 'one' | 'none', order: 'list' | 'random', preload: 'none' | 'metadata' | 'auto', volume: number, mutex: Boolean, listFolded: Boolean, listMaxHeight: number, lrcType: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, audio: Audio[], storageName: String }
And include the source files when publishing the project on npm
The currently released version does not include the src folder, in this case will not work
Define the following interface to facilitate the ts project:
And include the source files when publishing the project on npm