DJ-TechTools / Midi_Fighter_Twister_Open_Source

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Is Release/Midi_Fighter_Twister 20230608.hex the latest stable release #14

Open Segfault1602 opened 7 months ago

Segfault1602 commented 7 months ago

First, I just want to say I really appreciate this being open-source.

My first question is: is the midi_fighter_twister_20230608.hex a stable release?

Second, is the only way to flash a new build through the bootloader and MF Utility? Or can it be flashed/debugged with Microchip Studio? In other words, can a bad firmware brick the device forever or can it be reflashed with the right tool?

padi04 commented 5 months ago

Yes, that's the latest stable release.

You can reflash the unit via Microchip Studio but you'd need an Atmel-ICE and open the unit to connect to the programming pins on the PCB to recover the unit from a bricked status. Flashing via USB won't be an option if you get to that point.

HarviFly commented 4 months ago

nice! is there a changelog for this firmware relase? Thanks for the eford!

padi04 commented 3 months ago

Some small changes on the factory test procedure since this is now the firmware new units ship with.

DRCRecoveryData commented 3 months ago

Some small changes on the factory test procedure since this is now the firmware new units ship with.


Can you reupload midi fighter 64 source code? the old source code can't compile