DLR-RM / BlenderProc

A procedural Blender pipeline for photorealistic training image generation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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sample poses on surface for 2 different object in 2 different manner #1059

Closed Varatharajan-Raja closed 4 months ago

Varatharajan-Raja commented 7 months ago

Describe the issue

I wish to sample 2 different objects(2 types of plant) on a plane(soil). But I need to create the scene in such a way that plant 1 (green) is sampled in a rows/columns like grid. The plant 2 (red) can be places in random locations but not on the locations where plant 1 is placed. How to achieve it?

I have described my attempt here.

issue blenderproc

Most of the plants are:

Not above surface, retrying! Not above surface, retrying! Giving up on target.001, hiding... Trying to put target.002

Collision detected, retrying! Bad spacing after drop, retrying! Bad spacing after drop, retrying! Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside target.008. This might be wrong, if target.008 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True.

Due to which I loose lot of plants information in the rendered images in the output. Or sometimes one plant is in the place of another.


Code Snippet:

        #This is the part of the main func()
        #Cam_extreities are the coordinates of the soil plane
        #x_dist and y_dist are separation between grids
        x_dist = 4
        y_dist = 4
                                            lambda plants: sample_pose(targets, weeds, soil, cam_extremities,x_dist,y_dist),
                                            up_direction = np.array([0., 0., 1.]))
        for plant in plants:

def sample_pose(targets: bproc.types.MeshObject, weeds: bproc.types.MeshObject, soil: bproc.types.MeshObject, cam_extremities,x_dist,y_dist):
    # Sample the plants location above the surface
    locations = create_grid(cam_extremities,x_dist,y_dist)
    # Assuming targets is a list of target objects
    for i, target_plant in enumerate(targets):
        target_plant.set_rotation_euler(np.random.uniform([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, np.pi * 2]))
    )) for weed_plant in weeds]
    return None

def create_grid(cam_extremities, x_dist, y_dist):
    # Extract x, y, and z coordinates from cam_extremities
    x_coordinates = [v.x for v in cam_extremities]
    y_coordinates = [v.y for v in cam_extremities]
    z_coordinates = [v.z for v in cam_extremities]

    # Calculate size_x, size_y, and center_z based on the difference and average
    size_x = np.max(x_coordinates) - np.min(x_coordinates)
    size_y = np.max(y_coordinates) - np.min(y_coordinates)
    center_z = np.mean(z_coordinates)

    # Calculate the number of points in x and y directions
    num_points_x = int(size_x / x_dist) + 1
    num_points_y = int(size_y / y_dist) + 1

    # Initialize lists to store coordinates
    coordinates = []

    # Generate coordinates for x rows, y columns, and z 
    for i in range(num_points_x):
        for j in range(num_points_y):
            x = -size_x / 2 + i * x_dist
            y = -size_y / 2 + j * y_dist
            coordinates.append(Vector((x, y, center_z)))

    return coordinates

Minimal code example

No response

Files required to run the code

No response

Expected behavior


BlenderProc version


Varatharajan-Raja commented 7 months ago

adding to this I also do not see the objects in the color image.

In debug mode: view port shading


But in the RGB image. I do not see other plants. However in the image where I retrive stem point info, I see the plants(see next image for pink dots)


Pink dots are the plants which are hidden from rendering. Blue dots are small plants(grass)


I retrive the points by extracting the origin of the objects in the camera view.

 def stem_mask(self,frame: Optional[int] = None):
        # Get resolution
        x_res = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x
        y_res = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y

        # Get the camera object
        camera_obj = bpy.data.objects['Camera']
        center_annotation = {"obj_names": [], "center_pixels": []}
        # Iterate through all objects in the scene
        for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
            # Check if the object is not the camera and is visible in the viewport
            if obj.type == 'MESH' and obj != camera_obj and obj.visible_get():
                # Calculate camera coordinates of the object's origin
                cam_coord_vec = world_to_camera_view(bpy.context.scene, camera_obj, obj.location)

                # Check if the object's origin is in the camera view
                if 0.0 <= cam_coord_vec.x <= 1.0 and 0.0 <= cam_coord_vec.y <= 1.0:
                    # Convert camera coordinates to pixel coordinates
                    x_pixel = x_res * cam_coord_vec.x
                    y_pixel = y_res * (1 - cam_coord_vec.y)  # Invert y-coordinate
                    # Update the lists in the dictionary
                    center_annotation["center_pixels"].append((int(x_pixel), int(y_pixel)))
                    Utility.insert_keyframe(center_annotation, "center_annotation", frame)
                    #Utility.insert_keyframe(center_pixel_y, "center_pixel", frame)
        return center_annotation
cornerfarmer commented 7 months ago

Regarding your first issue:

For the plant 1, you dont need any object pose sampling, as all poses are clear. Just use your code directly:

    # Sample the plants location above the surface
    locations = create_grid(cam_extremities,x_dist,y_dist)
    # Assuming targets is a list of target objects
    for i, target_plant in enumerate(targets):
        target_plant.set_rotation_euler(np.random.uniform([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, np.pi * 2]))

Now for plant 2, you sample object poses, while checking collisions against the already placed plant 1:

blenderproc.object.sample_poses(weeds, sample_pose, targets)

Regarding your second issue: Probably your objects are marked as hidden. This might be fixed by fixing your first issue.

Varatharajan-Raja commented 7 months ago

Thank you. Now I'm able to sample objects without issues.

As the object increases I see that the rendering became very slow. It took 1735s to render 10 color,depth,segmaps. Reading some previous issues from issue tracker, I changed the enable_rigidbody to 'CONVEX_HULL' & bproc.renderer.set_render_devices(desired_gpu_ids=0). But still it is slow. I' using Device Tesla P100-PCIE-12GB. I have added 2 tracebacks here one for 10 frames without verbose and one with 1 frame with verbose. Do you have any suggestions?

        locations = Utilities.create_grid(cam_extremities,x_dist,y_dist)
        # Assuming targets is a list of target objects
        for i, target_plant in enumerate(targets):
            target_plant.set_rotation_euler(np.random.uniform([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, np.pi * 2]))

                                  lambda weeds: Utilities.weed_sample_pose(weeds, soil),

weed_sample_pose() is:

def weed_sample_pose(obj: bproc.types.MeshObject,soil: bproc.types.MeshObject):
    # Sample the spheres location above the surface
    obj.set_rotation_euler(np.random.uniform([(np.pi)/2, 0, 0], [(np.pi)/2, 0, np.pi * 2]))


Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.029 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.002 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.021 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.014 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.005 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.006 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.024 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.100 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.008 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.117 is completely inside weed.057. This might be wrong, if weed.057 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.040 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.117 is completely inside target.035. This might be wrong, if target.035 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.001 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.026 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.024 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.043 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.117. This might be wrong, if weed.117 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 92 tries to place weed.117 Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.118. This might be wrong, if weed.118 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.032 is completely inside weed.118. This might be wrong, if weed.118 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.118. This might be wrong, if weed.118 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 5 tries to place weed.118 Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.002 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.119 is completely inside target.009. This might be wrong, if target.009 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.026 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.037 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.014 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.054 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.028 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.024 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.020 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.119 is completely inside target.014. This might be wrong, if target.014 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 69 tries to place weed.119 Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.032 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.001 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.014 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.120 is completely inside weed.055. This might be wrong, if weed.055 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.058 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.077 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.005 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.004 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.006 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.020 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.008 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.010 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.109 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.014 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.016 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.014 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.006 is completely inside weed.120. This might be wrong, if weed.120 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 54 tries to place weed.120 Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.021 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.020 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.029 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.064 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.001 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.004 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.016 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.026 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.024 is completely inside weed.121. This might be wrong, if weed.121 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 41 tries to place weed.121 Warning: Detected that weed.122 is completely inside target.010. This might be wrong, if target.010 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.014 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.001 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.029 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.026 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.122. This might be wrong, if weed.122 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 43 tries to place weed.122 Warning: Detected that target.010 is completely inside weed.123. This might be wrong, if weed.123 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.123. This might be wrong, if weed.123 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.032 is completely inside weed.123. This might be wrong, if weed.123 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.014 is completely inside weed.123. This might be wrong, if weed.123 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.008 is completely inside weed.123. This might be wrong, if weed.123 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.123. This might be wrong, if weed.123 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 8 tries to place weed.123 Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.006 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.037 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.124. This might be wrong, if weed.124 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 33 tries to place weed.124 Warning: Detected that target.001 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.029 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.125. This might be wrong, if weed.125 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 26 tries to place weed.125 Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.126. This might be wrong, if weed.126 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.126. This might be wrong, if weed.126 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 4 tries to place weed.126 Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.040 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.028 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.006 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.014 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.127. This might be wrong, if weed.127 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 15 tries to place weed.127 Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.128. This might be wrong, if weed.128 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.050 is completely inside weed.128. This might be wrong, if weed.128 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.065 is completely inside weed.128. This might be wrong, if weed.128 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.032 is completely inside weed.128. This might be wrong, if weed.128 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 6 tries to place weed.128 Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.129. This might be wrong, if weed.129 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 2 tries to place weed.129 Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.130 is completely inside weed.119. This might be wrong, if weed.119 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.130 is completely inside target.002. This might be wrong, if target.002 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.029 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.004 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.008 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.130. This might be wrong, if weed.130 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 33 tries to place weed.130 Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.032 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.026 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.131 is completely inside target.010. This might be wrong, if target.010 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.010 is completely inside weed.131. This might be wrong, if weed.131 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 21 tries to place weed.131 Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.005 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.032 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.004 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.014 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.020 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.005 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.008 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.008 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.008 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.097 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.016 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.060 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.032 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.008 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.005 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.012 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.008 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.006 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.132. This might be wrong, if weed.132 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 63 tries to place weed.132 Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.133. This might be wrong, if weed.133 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 4 tries to place weed.133 Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.134. This might be wrong, if weed.134 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.134. This might be wrong, if weed.134 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.134. This might be wrong, if weed.134 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.134. This might be wrong, if weed.134 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.134. This might be wrong, if weed.134 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.134. This might be wrong, if weed.134 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.134. This might be wrong, if weed.134 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.134. This might be wrong, if weed.134 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 10 tries to place weed.134 Warning: Detected that target.020 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.135. This might be wrong, if weed.135 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 21 tries to place weed.135 Warning: Detected that target.001 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.020 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.004 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.003 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.029 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.027 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.101 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.004 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.017 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.028 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.123 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.109 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.020 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.094 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.007 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.022 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.036 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.011 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.018 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.009 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.013 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.025 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.001 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.030 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.069 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.128 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.015 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.031 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.051 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that weed.037 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.019 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.034 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.035 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.033 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.001 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.005 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. Warning: Detected that target.023 is completely inside weed.136. This might be wrong, if weed.136 is not water tight or has incorrect normals. If that is the case, consider setting skip_inside_check to True. It took 100 tries to place weed.136 Selecting render devices... Device Tesla P100-PCIE-12GB of type OPTIX found and used. Rendering 10 frames of colors, depth, segmap... Finished rendering after 1735.430 seconds Merging data for frame 0 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/0.hdf5 Merging data for frame 1 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/1.hdf5 Merging data for frame 2 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/2.hdf5 Merging data for frame 3 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/3.hdf5 Merging data for frame 4 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/4.hdf5 Merging data for frame 5 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/5.hdf5 Merging data for frame 6 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/6.hdf5 Merging data for frame 7 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/7.hdf5 Merging data for frame 8 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/8.hdf5 Merging data for frame 9 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/9.hdf5

Blender quit

Traceback for 1 frame with verbose

Device Tesla P100-PCIE-12GB of type OPTIX found and used. Rendering 1 frames of colors, depth, segmap... Fra:0 Mem:3022.77M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.66 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | soil Fra:0 Mem:3022.77M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.66 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target Fra:0 Mem:3039.19M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.67 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed Fra:0 Mem:3041.91M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.67 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.072 Fra:0 Mem:3043.75M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.68 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.001 Fra:0 Mem:3053.69M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.68 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.001 Fra:0 Mem:3058.02M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.69 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.002 Fra:0 Mem:3062.03M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.69 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.002 Fra:0 Mem:3070.43M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.69 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.003 Fra:0 Mem:3075.75M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.69 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.003 Fra:0 Mem:3079.24M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.69 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.004 Fra:0 Mem:3089.94M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.70 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.004 Fra:0 Mem:3092.18M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.70 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.005 Fra:0 Mem:3095.10M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.70 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.072 Fra:0 Mem:3096.77M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.71 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.005 Fra:0 Mem:3096.07M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.72 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.006 Fra:0 Mem:3118.94M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.73 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.006 Fra:0 Mem:3144.42M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.75 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.007 Fra:0 Mem:3156.52M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.75 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.007 Fra:0 Mem:3161.64M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.76 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.008 Fra:0 Mem:3199.98M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.77 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.008 Fra:0 Mem:3230.06M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.79 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.009 Fra:0 Mem:3259.83M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.84 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.009 Fra:0 Mem:3259.13M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.85 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.010 Fra:0 Mem:3248.45M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.90 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.010 Fra:0 Mem:3239.69M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.92 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.011 Fra:0 Mem:3245.94M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.94 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.011 Fra:0 Mem:3235.41M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.95 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.071 Fra:0 Mem:3237.92M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.97 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.012 Fra:0 Mem:3233.95M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:01.97 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.071 Fra:0 Mem:3228.60M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.01 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.012 Fra:0 Mem:3234.09M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.02 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.013 Fra:0 Mem:3226.21M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.03 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.013 Fra:0 Mem:3225.72M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.03 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.014 Fra:0 Mem:3245.37M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.03 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.014 Fra:0 Mem:3236.54M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.04 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.015 Fra:0 Mem:3227.57M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.05 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.015 Fra:0 Mem:3236.04M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.06 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.016 Fra:0 Mem:3231.83M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.07 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.017 Fra:0 Mem:3223.95M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.07 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.018 Fra:0 Mem:3253.53M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.10 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.018 Fra:0 Mem:3254.39M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.10 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.019 Fra:0 Mem:3274.12M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.10 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.019 Fra:0 Mem:3278.60M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.13 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.020 Fra:0 Mem:3290.90M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.14 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.021 Fra:0 Mem:3305.33M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.15 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.021 Fra:0 Mem:3298.25M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.16 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.070 Fra:0 Mem:3301.79M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.17 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.022 Fra:0 Mem:3329.64M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.19 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.022 Fra:0 Mem:3332.95M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.19 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.070 Fra:0 Mem:3338.28M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.22 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.023 Fra:0 Mem:3342.09M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.27 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.023 Fra:0 Mem:3307.18M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.29 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.024 Fra:0 Mem:3305.02M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.30 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.025 Fra:0 Mem:3332.07M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.31 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.026 Fra:0 Mem:3309.86M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.32 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.027 Fra:0 Mem:3331.52M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.33 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.027 Fra:0 Mem:3339.59M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.34 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.028 Fra:0 Mem:3348.79M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.35 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.028 Fra:0 Mem:3356.95M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.36 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.029 Fra:0 Mem:3360.56M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.37 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.069 Fra:0 Mem:3363.97M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.37 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.029 Fra:0 Mem:3372.85M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.38 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.069 Fra:0 Mem:3370.19M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.39 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.030 Fra:0 Mem:3385.89M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.40 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.031 Fra:0 Mem:3402.64M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.42 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.031 Fra:0 Mem:3409.82M (Peak 3413.78M) | Time:00:02.44 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.032 Fra:0 Mem:3409.04M (Peak 3416.06M) | Time:00:02.45 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.032 Fra:0 Mem:3397.60M (Peak 3419.16M) | Time:00:02.48 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.033 Fra:0 Mem:3407.83M (Peak 3419.16M) | Time:00:02.48 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.033 Fra:0 Mem:3400.70M (Peak 3419.16M) | Time:00:02.49 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.034 Fra:0 Mem:3392.42M (Peak 3427.00M) | Time:00:02.51 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.034 Fra:0 Mem:3406.68M (Peak 3427.00M) | Time:00:02.52 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.035 Fra:0 Mem:3407.66M (Peak 3427.00M) | Time:00:02.53 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.035 Fra:0 Mem:3429.81M (Peak 3429.81M) | Time:00:02.55 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.036 Fra:0 Mem:3430.71M (Peak 3444.65M) | Time:00:02.55 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.036 Fra:0 Mem:3432.47M (Peak 3444.65M) | Time:00:02.56 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.037 Fra:0 Mem:3423.18M (Peak 3444.65M) | Time:00:02.56 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.037 Fra:0 Mem:3434.15M (Peak 3444.65M) | Time:00:02.58 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.038 Fra:0 Mem:3437.62M (Peak 3451.21M) | Time:00:02.59 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.038 Fra:0 Mem:3430.57M (Peak 3451.21M) | Time:00:02.60 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.068 Fra:0 Mem:3421.94M (Peak 3451.21M) | Time:00:02.62 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.039 Fra:0 Mem:3413.68M (Peak 3451.21M) | Time:00:02.62 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.068 Fra:0 Mem:3437.75M (Peak 3451.21M) | Time:00:02.64 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.040 Fra:0 Mem:3446.38M (Peak 3451.21M) | Time:00:02.64 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.040 Fra:0 Mem:3443.05M (Peak 3451.21M) | Time:00:02.65 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.041 Fra:0 Mem:3459.16M (Peak 3459.16M) | Time:00:02.66 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.041 Fra:0 Mem:3464.73M (Peak 3468.30M) | Time:00:02.66 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.042 Fra:0 Mem:3479.97M (Peak 3480.24M) | Time:00:02.67 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.042 Fra:0 Mem:3464.18M (Peak 3486.43M) | Time:00:02.68 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.043 Fra:0 Mem:3469.89M (Peak 3486.43M) | Time:00:02.68 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.043 Fra:0 Mem:3473.21M (Peak 3486.43M) | Time:00:02.69 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.044 Fra:0 Mem:3480.59M (Peak 3491.08M) | Time:00:02.70 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.044 Fra:0 Mem:3492.51M (Peak 3492.88M) | Time:00:02.70 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.045 Fra:0 Mem:3486.66M (Peak 3496.71M) | Time:00:02.72 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.046 Fra:0 Mem:3520.13M (Peak 3523.59M) | Time:00:02.74 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.046 Fra:0 Mem:3523.93M (Peak 3523.93M) | Time:00:02.75 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.047 Fra:0 Mem:3525.49M (Peak 3538.51M) | Time:00:02.76 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.047 Fra:0 Mem:3522.16M (Peak 3538.51M) | Time:00:02.77 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.048 Fra:0 Mem:3514.63M (Peak 3538.51M) | Time:00:02.77 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.048 Fra:0 Mem:3533.34M (Peak 3543.21M) | Time:00:02.79 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.049 Fra:0 Mem:3557.20M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.81 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.067 Fra:0 Mem:3540.30M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.83 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.067 Fra:0 Mem:3531.92M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.84 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.049 Fra:0 Mem:3534.00M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.84 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.050 Fra:0 Mem:3527.12M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.88 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.050 Fra:0 Mem:3527.51M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.88 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.051 Fra:0 Mem:3536.32M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.88 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.051 Fra:0 Mem:3538.90M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.89 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.052 Fra:0 Mem:3548.18M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.90 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.052 Fra:0 Mem:3548.57M (Peak 3562.79M) | Time:00:02.90 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.053 Fra:0 Mem:3562.43M (Peak 3574.45M) | Time:00:02.92 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.053 Fra:0 Mem:3563.53M (Peak 3574.45M) | Time:00:02.92 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.054 Fra:0 Mem:3545.16M (Peak 3574.45M) | Time:00:02.93 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.054 Fra:0 Mem:3545.94M (Peak 3574.45M) | Time:00:02.93 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.055 Fra:0 Mem:3574.97M (Peak 3575.18M) | Time:00:02.94 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.055 Fra:0 Mem:3561.29M (Peak 3582.96M) | Time:00:02.97 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.056 Fra:0 Mem:3570.00M (Peak 3582.96M) | Time:00:02.98 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.057 Fra:0 Mem:3582.28M (Peak 3583.97M) | Time:00:02.99 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.057 Fra:0 Mem:3573.90M (Peak 3593.26M) | Time:00:03.01 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.058 Fra:0 Mem:3579.57M (Peak 3593.26M) | Time:00:03.01 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.058 Fra:0 Mem:3582.79M (Peak 3596.23M) | Time:00:03.02 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.066 Fra:0 Mem:3588.08M (Peak 3596.23M) | Time:00:03.02 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.059 Fra:0 Mem:3581.04M (Peak 3596.23M) | Time:00:03.03 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.066 Fra:0 Mem:3569.34M (Peak 3596.23M) | Time:00:03.04 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.060 Fra:0 Mem:3590.81M (Peak 3596.23M) | Time:00:03.05 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.060 Fra:0 Mem:3607.29M (Peak 3607.41M) | Time:00:03.06 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.061 Fra:0 Mem:3606.00M (Peak 3607.41M) | Time:00:03.06 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.061 Fra:0 Mem:3606.34M (Peak 3621.64M) | Time:00:03.07 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.062 Fra:0 Mem:3632.45M (Peak 3637.03M) | Time:00:03.09 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.062 Fra:0 Mem:3626.34M (Peak 3638.49M) | Time:00:03.10 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.063 Fra:0 Mem:3631.36M (Peak 3638.49M) | Time:00:03.11 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.063 Fra:0 Mem:3628.92M (Peak 3638.75M) | Time:00:03.13 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.064 Fra:0 Mem:3640.45M (Peak 3640.93M) | Time:00:03.14 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.064 Fra:0 Mem:3651.05M (Peak 3653.11M) | Time:00:03.15 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | target.065 Fra:0 Mem:3652.55M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.16 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Synchronizing object | weed.065 Fra:0 Mem:3519.68M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.30 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Initializing Fra:0 Mem:3519.68M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.30 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Waiting for render to start Fra:0 Mem:3519.68M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.30 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Loading render kernels (may take a few minutes the first time) Fra:0 Mem:3519.68M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.42 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Scene Fra:0 Mem:3519.68M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.43 | Mem:0.00M, Peak:0.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Shaders Fra:0 Mem:3520.19M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.52 | Mem:0.01M, Peak:0.01M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Procedurals Fra:0 Mem:3520.19M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.52 | Mem:0.01M, Peak:0.01M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Background Fra:0 Mem:3520.19M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.52 | Mem:0.01M, Peak:0.01M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Camera Fra:0 Mem:3520.19M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.52 | Mem:0.01M, Peak:0.01M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Meshes Flags Fra:0 Mem:3520.19M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.52 | Mem:0.01M, Peak:0.01M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Objects Fra:0 Mem:3520.19M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.52 | Mem:0.01M, Peak:0.01M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Objects | Copying Transformations to device Fra:0 Mem:3520.22M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.52 | Mem:0.04M, Peak:0.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Objects | Applying Static Transformations Fra:0 Mem:3520.22M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.54 | Mem:0.04M, Peak:0.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Particle Systems Fra:0 Mem:3520.22M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.55 | Mem:0.04M, Peak:0.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Particle Systems | Copying Particles to device Fra:0 Mem:3520.22M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.55 | Mem:0.04M, Peak:0.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Meshes Fra:0 Mem:3628.98M (Peak 3659.30M) | Time:00:03.94 | Mem:0.04M, Peak:0.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Mesh | Computing attributes Fra:0 Mem:3846.72M (Peak 3846.72M) | Time:00:04.26 | Mem:0.05M, Peak:0.05M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Mesh | Copying Attributes to device Fra:0 Mem:3846.69M (Peak 3846.72M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:217.74M, Peak:217.74M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH Plane 1/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3846.69M (Peak 3846.72M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:217.74M, Peak:217.74M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.072 147/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3846.69M (Peak 3846.72M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:217.74M, Peak:217.74M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.072 147/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3846.95M (Peak 3846.95M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.00M, Peak:218.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1 3/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3846.95M (Peak 3846.95M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.00M, Peak:218.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.002 7/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3846.95M (Peak 3846.95M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.00M, Peak:218.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.002 7/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3847.21M (Peak 3847.21M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.00M, Peak:218.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.002 6/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3847.21M (Peak 3847.21M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.00M, Peak:218.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.002 6/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3848.27M (Peak 3848.27M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.00M, Peak:218.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.003 8/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3848.27M (Peak 3848.27M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.05M, Peak:218.05M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.003 8/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3849.34M (Peak 3849.34M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.26M, Peak:218.26M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.001 4/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3849.34M (Peak 3849.34M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.26M, Peak:218.26M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.001 4/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3851.20M (Peak 3851.20M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.26M, Peak:218.26M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3 2/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3851.20M (Peak 3851.20M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:218.26M, Peak:218.26M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3 2/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3855.15M (Peak 3855.15M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:221.18M, Peak:221.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.003 9/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3855.15M (Peak 3855.15M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:221.18M, Peak:221.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.003 9/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3855.40M (Peak 3855.40M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:223.09M, Peak:223.09M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.004 10/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3855.40M (Peak 3855.40M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:223.09M, Peak:223.09M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.004 10/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3856.47M (Peak 3856.47M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:223.09M, Peak:223.09M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.004 11/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3856.47M (Peak 3856.47M) | Time:00:04.34 | Mem:223.88M, Peak:223.88M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.004 11/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3857.52M) | Time:00:04.36 | Mem:229.06M, Peak:229.81M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.005 12/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3857.52M) | Time:00:04.36 | Mem:229.06M, Peak:229.81M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.005 12/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3859.12M) | Time:00:04.36 | Mem:244.20M, Peak:244.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.072 146/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3859.12M) | Time:00:04.36 | Mem:244.20M, Peak:244.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.072 146/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.36 | Mem:237.85M, Peak:249.69M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.005 13/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.36 | Mem:237.85M, Peak:249.69M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.005 13/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.38 | Mem:252.61M, Peak:262.48M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.006 14/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.38 | Mem:252.61M, Peak:262.48M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.006 14/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.38 | Mem:266.15M, Peak:268.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.006 15/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.38 | Mem:266.15M, Peak:268.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.006 15/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.38 | Mem:264.55M, Peak:268.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.007 16/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.38 | Mem:264.55M, Peak:268.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.007 16/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.39 | Mem:260.17M, Peak:270.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.007 17/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.39 | Mem:260.17M, Peak:270.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.007 17/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.39 | Mem:258.37M, Peak:270.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.008 18/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.39 | Mem:258.37M, Peak:270.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.008 18/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.39 | Mem:260.43M, Peak:270.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.008 19/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.39 | Mem:260.43M, Peak:270.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.008 19/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3858.07M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.40 | Mem:279.81M, Peak:279.81M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.009 20/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3858.07M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.40 | Mem:279.81M, Peak:279.81M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.009 20/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.40 | Mem:280.87M, Peak:280.87M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.009 21/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.40 | Mem:280.87M, Peak:280.87M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.009 21/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.40 | Mem:280.87M, Peak:280.87M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.010 22/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.71M) | Time:00:04.40 | Mem:280.87M, Peak:280.87M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.010 22/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.40 | Mem:275.58M, Peak:287.42M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.071 145/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.40 | Mem:275.58M, Peak:287.42M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.071 145/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.41 | Mem:275.95M, Peak:287.42M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.071 144/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.41 | Mem:275.95M, Peak:287.42M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.071 144/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.42 | Mem:283.63M, Peak:294.99M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.070 143/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.42 | Mem:283.63M, Peak:294.99M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.070 143/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.42 | Mem:283.26M, Peak:294.99M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.010 23/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.42 | Mem:283.26M, Peak:294.99M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.010 23/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.43 | Mem:291.09M, Peak:300.96M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.011 24/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.43 | Mem:291.09M, Peak:300.96M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.011 24/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.43 | Mem:308.27M, Peak:310.12M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.011 25/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.43 | Mem:308.27M, Peak:310.12M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.011 25/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.44 | Mem:306.51M, Peak:315.72M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.012 26/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.44 | Mem:306.51M, Peak:315.72M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.012 26/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.44 | Mem:304.48M, Peak:315.72M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.012 27/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.44 | Mem:304.48M, Peak:315.72M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.012 27/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.45 | Mem:317.65M, Peak:317.65M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.013 28/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.45 | Mem:317.65M, Peak:317.65M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.013 28/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.45 | Mem:323.15M, Peak:323.15M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.013 29/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.45 | Mem:323.15M, Peak:323.15M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.013 29/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.46 | Mem:319.15M, Peak:329.02M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.014 31/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.46 | Mem:319.15M, Peak:329.02M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.014 31/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.46 | Mem:332.69M, Peak:332.69M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.014 30/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3855.66M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.46 | Mem:330.88M, Peak:332.69M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.014 30/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.46 | Mem:332.16M, Peak:332.69M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.015 32/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.46 | Mem:332.16M, Peak:332.69M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.015 32/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.46 | Mem:325.20M, Peak:335.80M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.015 33/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.46 | Mem:325.99M, Peak:335.80M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.015 33/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.47 | Mem:326.19M, Peak:335.80M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.016 34/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.47 | Mem:326.19M, Peak:335.80M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.016 34/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.47 | Mem:334.05M, Peak:345.23M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.016 35/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.47 | Mem:334.05M, Peak:345.23M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.016 35/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.48 | Mem:334.96M, Peak:345.23M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.070 142/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.48 | Mem:334.96M, Peak:345.23M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.070 142/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.48 | Mem:335.48M, Peak:345.23M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.017 36/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.48 | Mem:335.48M, Peak:345.23M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.017 36/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.48 | Mem:342.68M, Peak:354.52M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.017 37/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.48 | Mem:343.47M, Peak:354.52M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.017 37/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.49 | Mem:349.99M, Peak:361.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.018 38/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.49 | Mem:349.99M, Peak:361.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.018 38/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.49 | Mem:351.31M, Peak:361.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.018 39/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.49 | Mem:351.31M, Peak:361.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.018 39/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.49 | Mem:352.34M, Peak:361.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.019 40/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.49 | Mem:352.34M, Peak:361.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.019 40/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3860.71M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.50 | Mem:353.65M, Peak:361.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.019 41/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3860.71M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.50 | Mem:353.65M, Peak:361.18M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.019 41/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.50 | Mem:359.91M, Peak:371.09M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.020 42/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.50 | Mem:359.91M, Peak:371.09M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.020 42/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3860.71M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.50 | Mem:361.22M, Peak:371.09M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.020 43/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3860.71M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.50 | Mem:361.22M, Peak:371.09M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.020 43/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.51 | Mem:366.82M, Peak:378.66M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.021 44/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.51 | Mem:366.82M, Peak:378.66M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.021 44/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.52 | Mem:374.02M, Peak:385.86M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.021 45/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.52 | Mem:374.02M, Peak:385.86M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.021 45/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.53 | Mem:379.62M, Peak:391.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.022 46/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.53 | Mem:379.62M, Peak:391.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.022 46/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.54 | Mem:386.99M, Peak:398.65M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.069 141/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.54 | Mem:387.47M, Peak:398.65M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.069 141/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.55 | Mem:387.19M, Peak:398.65M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.022 47/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.55 | Mem:387.19M, Peak:398.65M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.022 47/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.55 | Mem:387.56M, Peak:398.65M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.023 48/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.55 | Mem:387.56M, Peak:398.65M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.023 48/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.55 | Mem:394.76M, Peak:406.61M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.023 49/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.55 | Mem:394.76M, Peak:406.61M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.023 49/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.57 | Mem:401.01M, Peak:412.19M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.024 50/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.57 | Mem:401.01M, Peak:412.19M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.024 50/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.57 | Mem:402.32M, Peak:412.19M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.024 51/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.57 | Mem:402.32M, Peak:412.19M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.024 51/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.58 | Mem:408.59M, Peak:419.77M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.025 52/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.58 | Mem:408.59M, Peak:419.77M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.025 52/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.59 | Mem:409.90M, Peak:419.77M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.025 53/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.59 | Mem:409.90M, Peak:419.77M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.025 53/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.60 | Mem:416.15M, Peak:427.33M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.026 54/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.60 | Mem:416.15M, Peak:427.33M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.026 54/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.60 | Mem:417.46M, Peak:427.33M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.026 55/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.60 | Mem:417.46M, Peak:427.33M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.026 55/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.60 | Mem:423.72M, Peak:434.90M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.027 56/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.60 | Mem:423.72M, Peak:434.90M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.027 56/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.61 | Mem:425.03M, Peak:434.90M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.027 57/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.61 | Mem:425.03M, Peak:434.90M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.027 57/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.61 | Mem:431.29M, Peak:442.47M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.028 58/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3855.92M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.61 | Mem:431.29M, Peak:442.47M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.028 58/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.61 | Mem:433.26M, Peak:442.47M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.069 140/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.61 | Mem:433.26M, Peak:442.47M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.069 140/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.62 | Mem:434.69M, Peak:442.47M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.028 59/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3858.86M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.62 | Mem:434.69M, Peak:442.47M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.028 59/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.62 | Mem:448.23M, Peak:448.23M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.029 60/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.62 | Mem:448.23M, Peak:448.23M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.029 60/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.62 | Mem:442.80M, Peak:453.99M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.029 61/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.62 | Mem:442.80M, Peak:453.99M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.029 61/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.63 | Mem:456.06M, Peak:456.06M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.030 62/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.63 | Mem:456.06M, Peak:456.06M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.030 62/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.63 | Mem:450.37M, Peak:461.55M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.030 63/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.63 | Mem:450.37M, Peak:461.55M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.030 63/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.63 | Mem:463.63M, Peak:463.63M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.031 64/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.63 | Mem:463.63M, Peak:463.63M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.031 64/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.64 | Mem:457.96M, Peak:469.14M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.031 65/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.64 | Mem:457.96M, Peak:469.14M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.031 65/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.64 | Mem:471.21M, Peak:471.21M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.032 66/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.64 | Mem:471.21M, Peak:471.21M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.032 66/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.64 | Mem:465.52M, Peak:476.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.032 67/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.64 | Mem:465.52M, Peak:476.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.032 67/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.65 | Mem:478.77M, Peak:478.77M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.033 68/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.65 | Mem:478.77M, Peak:478.77M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.033 68/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.65 | Mem:472.42M, Peak:484.26M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.033 69/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.65 | Mem:472.42M, Peak:484.26M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.033 69/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.66 | Mem:478.02M, Peak:489.86M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.068 139/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.66 | Mem:478.02M, Peak:489.86M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.068 139/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.66 | Mem:486.25M, Peak:495.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.034 70/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.66 | Mem:486.25M, Peak:495.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.034 70/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.67 | Mem:485.71M, Peak:495.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.034 71/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.67 | Mem:485.71M, Peak:495.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.034 71/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.67 | Mem:489.31M, Peak:495.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.035 72/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.67 | Mem:489.31M, Peak:495.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.035 72/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.67 | Mem:493.82M, Peak:505.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.035 73/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.67 | Mem:493.82M, Peak:505.00M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.035 73/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.67 | Mem:507.07M, Peak:507.07M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.036 74/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.67 | Mem:507.07M, Peak:507.07M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.036 74/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.68 | Mem:501.38M, Peak:512.57M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.036 75/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.68 | Mem:501.38M, Peak:512.57M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.036 75/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.68 | Mem:514.64M, Peak:514.64M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.037 76/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.68 | Mem:514.64M, Peak:514.64M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.037 76/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.69 | Mem:508.96M, Peak:520.14M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.037 77/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.69 | Mem:508.96M, Peak:520.14M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.037 77/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.69 | Mem:508.67M, Peak:520.14M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.038 78/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.69 | Mem:508.67M, Peak:520.14M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.038 78/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.69 | Mem:516.52M, Peak:527.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.038 79/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.69 | Mem:516.52M, Peak:527.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.038 79/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.69 | Mem:516.90M, Peak:527.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.039 80/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.69 | Mem:516.90M, Peak:527.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.039 80/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.70 | Mem:521.76M, Peak:527.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.068 138/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.70 | Mem:521.76M, Peak:527.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.068 138/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3860.71M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.70 | Mem:527.38M, Peak:537.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.039 81/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3860.71M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.70 | Mem:527.38M, Peak:537.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.039 81/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.70 | Mem:539.12M, Peak:540.97M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.040 82/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.70 | Mem:539.12M, Peak:540.97M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.040 82/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.71 | Mem:533.65M, Peak:544.83M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.040 83/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.71 | Mem:533.65M, Peak:544.83M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.040 83/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.71 | Mem:533.36M, Peak:544.83M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.041 84/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.71 | Mem:536.91M, Peak:544.83M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.041 84/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.72 | Mem:541.22M, Peak:552.40M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.041 85/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.72 | Mem:541.22M, Peak:552.40M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.041 85/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.72 | Mem:554.47M, Peak:554.47M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.042 86/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.72 | Mem:554.47M, Peak:554.47M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.042 86/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.72 | Mem:548.79M, Peak:559.97M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.042 87/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.72 | Mem:548.79M, Peak:559.97M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.042 87/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.73 | Mem:562.04M, Peak:562.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.043 88/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.73 | Mem:562.04M, Peak:562.04M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.043 88/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.73 | Mem:556.36M, Peak:567.54M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.043 89/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.73 | Mem:556.36M, Peak:567.54M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.043 89/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.73 | Mem:569.62M, Peak:569.62M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.044 90/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.73 | Mem:569.62M, Peak:569.62M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.044 90/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.74 | Mem:563.27M, Peak:575.11M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.044 91/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.74 | Mem:563.27M, Peak:575.11M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.044 91/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.74 | Mem:568.87M, Peak:580.71M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.067 137/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.74 | Mem:568.87M, Peak:580.71M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.067 137/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.75 | Mem:577.10M, Peak:586.31M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.045 92/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.75 | Mem:577.10M, Peak:586.31M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.045 92/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.75 | Mem:576.56M, Peak:586.31M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.045 93/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.26M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.75 | Mem:576.56M, Peak:586.31M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.045 93/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.75 | Mem:580.37M, Peak:586.31M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.046 94/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.75 | Mem:590.35M, Peak:590.35M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.046 94/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.76 | Mem:584.67M, Peak:595.85M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.046 95/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.76 | Mem:584.67M, Peak:595.85M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.046 95/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.76 | Mem:597.93M, Peak:597.93M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.047 96/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.76 | Mem:597.93M, Peak:597.93M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.047 96/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.76 | Mem:592.24M, Peak:603.42M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.047 97/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.76 | Mem:592.24M, Peak:603.42M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.047 97/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.77 | Mem:595.51M, Peak:603.42M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.048 98/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.77 | Mem:595.51M, Peak:603.42M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.048 98/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.77 | Mem:599.81M, Peak:610.99M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.048 99/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.77 | Mem:599.81M, Peak:610.99M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.048 99/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.77 | Mem:613.07M, Peak:613.07M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.049 100/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.77 | Mem:613.07M, Peak:613.07M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.049 100/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.78 | Mem:607.38M, Peak:618.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.049 101/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.78 | Mem:607.38M, Peak:618.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.049 101/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.78 | Mem:607.76M, Peak:618.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.050 102/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.78 | Mem:607.76M, Peak:618.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.050 102/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.78 | Mem:612.63M, Peak:618.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.067 136/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.78 | Mem:612.63M, Peak:618.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.067 136/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3860.71M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.79 | Mem:618.24M, Peak:628.11M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.050 103/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3860.71M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.79 | Mem:618.24M, Peak:628.11M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.050 103/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.79 | Mem:630.18M, Peak:631.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.051 104/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.79 | Mem:630.18M, Peak:631.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.051 104/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.80 | Mem:622.64M, Peak:633.82M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.051 105/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.80 | Mem:622.64M, Peak:633.82M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.051 105/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.80 | Mem:637.75M, Peak:637.75M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.052 106/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.80 | Mem:637.75M, Peak:637.75M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.052 106/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.80 | Mem:632.07M, Peak:643.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.052 107/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.80 | Mem:632.07M, Peak:643.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.052 107/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.80 | Mem:645.32M, Peak:645.32M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.053 108/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.80 | Mem:645.32M, Peak:645.32M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.053 108/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.81 | Mem:639.64M, Peak:650.82M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.053 109/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.81 | Mem:639.64M, Peak:650.82M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.053 109/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.81 | Mem:652.89M, Peak:652.89M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.054 110/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.81 | Mem:652.89M, Peak:652.89M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.054 110/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.82 | Mem:647.21M, Peak:658.39M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.054 111/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.82 | Mem:647.21M, Peak:658.39M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.054 111/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.82 | Mem:660.46M, Peak:660.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.055 112/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.82 | Mem:660.46M, Peak:660.46M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.055 112/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.82 | Mem:654.12M, Peak:665.96M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.055 113/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.82 | Mem:654.12M, Peak:665.96M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.055 113/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.83 | Mem:660.38M, Peak:671.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.066 135/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.83 | Mem:660.38M, Peak:671.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.066 135/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.83 | Mem:660.75M, Peak:671.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.056 114/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.83 | Mem:660.75M, Peak:671.56M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.056 114/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.83 | Mem:675.61M, Peak:675.61M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.056 115/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.83 | Mem:675.61M, Peak:675.61M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.056 115/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.84 | Mem:667.66M, Peak:679.50M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.057 116/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.84 | Mem:667.66M, Peak:679.50M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.057 116/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.84 | Mem:675.52M, Peak:686.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.057 117/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.84 | Mem:675.52M, Peak:686.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.057 117/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.85 | Mem:675.23M, Peak:686.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.058 118/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.85 | Mem:675.23M, Peak:686.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.058 118/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.85 | Mem:683.09M, Peak:694.27M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.058 119/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.85 | Mem:683.09M, Peak:694.27M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.058 119/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.85 | Mem:696.34M, Peak:696.34M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.059 120/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.85 | Mem:696.34M, Peak:696.34M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.059 120/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.86 | Mem:690.66M, Peak:701.84M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.059 121/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.86 | Mem:690.66M, Peak:701.84M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.059 121/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.86 | Mem:693.93M, Peak:701.84M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.060 122/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.86 | Mem:693.93M, Peak:701.84M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.060 122/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.87 | Mem:698.23M, Peak:709.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.060 123/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.87 | Mem:698.23M, Peak:709.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.060 123/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.87 | Mem:698.61M, Peak:709.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.061 124/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3857.52M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.87 | Mem:698.61M, Peak:709.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.061 124/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.87 | Mem:699.92M, Peak:709.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.066 134/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.87 | Mem:703.47M, Peak:709.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.066 134/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.87 | Mem:707.77M, Peak:718.96M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.061 125/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.87 | Mem:707.77M, Peak:718.96M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.061 125/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.88 | Mem:721.03M, Peak:721.03M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.062 126/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.88 | Mem:721.03M, Peak:721.03M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.062 126/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.88 | Mem:715.35M, Peak:726.53M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.062 127/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.88 | Mem:715.35M, Peak:726.53M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.062 127/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.88 | Mem:728.60M, Peak:728.60M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.063 128/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.88 | Mem:728.60M, Peak:728.60M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.063 128/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.89 | Mem:722.92M, Peak:734.10M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.063 129/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.89 | Mem:722.92M, Peak:734.10M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.063 129/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.89 | Mem:722.63M, Peak:734.10M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.064 130/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.89 | Mem:726.19M, Peak:734.10M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.064 130/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.90 | Mem:730.49M, Peak:741.67M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.064 131/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.90 | Mem:730.49M, Peak:741.67M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.064 131/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.90 | Mem:743.74M, Peak:743.74M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.065 132/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.90 | Mem:743.74M, Peak:743.74M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH target_3.065 132/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.90 | Mem:738.06M, Peak:749.24M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.065 133/147 | Building BVH Fra:0 Mem:3859.12M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.90 | Mem:738.06M, Peak:749.24M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Geometry BVH AG01_1.065 133/147 | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3846.69M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.94 | Mem:770.40M, Peak:782.12M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Scene BVH | Building Fra:0 Mem:3846.70M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.94 | Mem:770.40M, Peak:782.12M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Scene BVH | Building OptiX acceleration structure Fra:0 Mem:3846.70M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.95 | Mem:770.42M, Peak:782.12M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Scene BVH | Copying BVH to device Fra:0 Mem:3846.70M (Peak 3860.97M) | Time:00:04.95 | Mem:770.42M, Peak:782.12M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Mesh | Computing normals Fra:0 Mem:4345.48M (Peak 4345.48M) | Time:00:05.57 | Mem:770.42M, Peak:782.12M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Mesh | Copying Mesh to device Fra:0 Mem:4345.48M (Peak 4345.48M) | Time:00:05.74 | Mem:1269.20M, Peak:1269.20M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Objects Flags Fra:0 Mem:4345.48M (Peak 4345.48M) | Time:00:05.74 | Mem:1269.20M, Peak:1269.20M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Primitive Offsets Fra:0 Mem:4345.48M (Peak 4345.48M) | Time:00:05.74 | Mem:1269.20M, Peak:1269.20M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Images Fra:0 Mem:4345.48M (Peak 4345.48M) | Time:00:05.74 | Mem:1269.20M, Peak:1269.20M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Images | Loading AG01brn1.tif Fra:0 Mem:4346.49M (Peak 4346.49M) | Time:00:05.74 | Mem:1270.20M, Peak:1270.20M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Images | Loading AG01lef2.tif Fra:0 Mem:4346.99M (Peak 4346.99M) | Time:00:05.74 | Mem:1270.20M, Peak:1270.20M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Images | Loading 12971-dandelionFlower_diffuse.jpg Fra:0 Mem:4350.99M (Peak 4350.99M) | Time:00:05.76 | Mem:1270.70M, Peak:1270.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Images | Loading soil_2_diff.jpg Fra:0 Mem:4414.99M (Peak 4414.99M) | Time:00:05.77 | Mem:1270.70M, Peak:1270.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Images | Loading soil_2_rough.jpg Fra:0 Mem:4430.99M (Peak 4430.99M) | Time:00:06.22 | Mem:1354.70M, Peak:1354.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Camera Volume Fra:0 Mem:4430.99M (Peak 4430.99M) | Time:00:06.22 | Mem:1354.70M, Peak:1354.70M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Lookup Tables Fra:0 Mem:4430.99M (Peak 4430.99M) | Time:00:06.22 | Mem:1354.95M, Peak:1354.95M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Lights Fra:0 Mem:4430.99M (Peak 4430.99M) | Time:00:06.22 | Mem:1354.95M, Peak:1354.95M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Lights | Computing distribution Fra:0 Mem:4430.99M (Peak 4430.99M) | Time:00:06.22 | Mem:1354.95M, Peak:1354.95M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Integrator Fra:0 Mem:4431.00M (Peak 4431.00M) | Time:00:06.22 | Mem:1354.96M, Peak:1354.96M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Film Fra:0 Mem:4431.00M (Peak 4431.25M) | Time:00:06.22 | Mem:1354.71M, Peak:1354.96M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Lookup Tables Fra:0 Mem:4431.00M (Peak 4431.25M) | Time:00:06.22 | Mem:1354.97M, Peak:1354.97M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Baking Fra:0 Mem:4431.00M (Peak 4431.25M) | Time:00:06.22 | Mem:1354.97M, Peak:1354.97M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Device | Writing constant memory Fra:0 Mem:4438.01M (Peak 4438.01M) | Time:00:06.24 | Mem:1914.97M, Peak:1914.97M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 0/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.42M (Peak 4587.43M) | Time:00:06.75 | Remaining:08:47.55 | Mem:2064.40M, Peak:2064.40M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 1/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:28.12 | Remaining:05:22.87 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 65/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:33.32 | Remaining:05:19.57 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 80/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:36.22 | Remaining:04:49.82 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 96/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:39.01 | Remaining:04:26.84 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 112/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:41.66 | Remaining:04:07.92 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 128/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:44.26 | Remaining:03:52.35 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 144/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:46.66 | Remaining:03:38.30 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 160/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:49.01 | Remaining:03:26.10 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 176/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:51.17 | Remaining:03:14.69 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 192/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:53.29 | Remaining:03:04.59 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 208/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:55.35 | Remaining:02:55.41 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 224/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:57.41 | Remaining:02:47.16 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 240/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:00:59.33 | Remaining:02:39.27 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 256/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:01.19 | Remaining:02:31.91 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 272/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:03.02 | Remaining:02:25.09 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 288/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:04.80 | Remaining:02:18.68 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 304/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:06.57 | Remaining:02:12.72 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 320/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:08.30 | Remaining:02:07.07 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 336/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:09.94 | Remaining:02:01.61 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 352/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:11.57 | Remaining:01:56.47 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 368/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:13.16 | Remaining:01:51.53 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 384/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:14.70 | Remaining:01:46.79 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 400/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:16.27 | Remaining:01:42.36 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 416/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:17.81 | Remaining:01:38.08 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 432/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:19.32 | Remaining:01:33.96 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 448/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:20.76 | Remaining:01:29.94 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 464/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:22.30 | Remaining:01:26.20 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 480/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:23.71 | Remaining:01:22.47 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 496/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:25.11 | Remaining:01:18.87 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 512/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:26.51 | Remaining:01:15.41 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 528/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:27.87 | Remaining:01:12.02 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 544/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:29.22 | Remaining:01:08.75 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 560/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:30.60 | Remaining:01:05.61 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 576/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:31.92 | Remaining:01:02.52 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 592/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:33.26 | Remaining:00:59.54 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 608/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:34.61 | Remaining:00:56.65 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 624/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:36.01 | Remaining:00:53.86 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 640/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:37.31 | Remaining:00:51.09 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 656/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:38.57 | Remaining:00:48.36 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 672/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:39.80 | Remaining:00:45.69 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 688/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:41.07 | Remaining:00:43.10 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 704/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:42.34 | Remaining:00:40.57 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 720/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:43.60 | Remaining:00:38.09 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 736/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:44.90 | Remaining:00:35.68 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 752/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:46.12 | Remaining:00:33.29 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 768/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:47.32 | Remaining:00:30.94 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 784/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:48.51 | Remaining:00:28.63 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 800/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:49.78 | Remaining:00:26.39 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 816/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:51.00 | Remaining:00:24.17 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 832/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:52.20 | Remaining:00:21.99 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 848/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:53.36 | Remaining:00:19.83 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 864/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:54.57 | Remaining:00:17.72 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 880/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:55.76 | Remaining:00:15.64 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 896/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:56.96 | Remaining:00:13.59 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 912/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:58.19 | Remaining:00:11.58 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 928/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:01:59.38 | Remaining:00:09.58 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 944/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:02:00.56 | Remaining:00:07.62 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 960/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:02:01.75 | Remaining:00:05.68 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 976/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:02:02.90 | Remaining:00:03.76 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 992/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4587.44M (Peak 4587.47M) | Time:02:04.14 | Remaining:00:01.87 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 1008/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4692.91M (Peak 4833.54M) | Time:02:05.90 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 1024/1024 Fra:0 Mem:4692.91M (Peak 4833.54M) | Time:02:05.90 | Mem:2064.41M, Peak:2064.41M | Scene, ViewLayer | Finished Fra:0 Mem:4692.92M (Peak 4833.54M) | Time:02:05.90 | Compositing Fra:0 Mem:4692.92M (Peak 4833.54M) | Time:02:05.90 | Compositing | Determining resolution Fra:0 Mem:4692.92M (Peak 4833.54M) | Time:02:05.90 | Compositing | Initializing execution Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 1-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 3-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 4-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 5-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 7-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 2-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 8-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 9-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 10-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 11-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 12-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 6-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 13-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 14-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 15-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.63 | Compositing | Tile 16-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.64 | Compositing | Tile 17-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.64 | Compositing | Tile 18-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.64 | Compositing | Tile 19-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.64 | Compositing | Tile 21-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.64 | Compositing | Tile 22-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.64 | Compositing | Tile 23-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.64 | Compositing | Tile 24-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 25-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 26-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.64 | Compositing | Tile 20-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 27-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 28-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 29-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 30-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 31-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 32-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 33-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 34-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 35-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 36-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 37-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 38-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 39-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 40-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 1-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 2-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 3-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 5-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 6-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 7-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 8-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 9-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 10-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 11-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 12-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 13-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 14-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 15-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 17-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 18-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 16-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 19-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 20-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 21-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 22-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 23-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 24-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 25-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 26-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 27-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 28-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 29-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 30-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 31-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 32-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 33-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.65 | Compositing | Tile 4-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 34-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 35-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 36-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 37-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 38-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.66 | Compositing | Tile 39-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.67 | Compositing | Tile 40-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 2-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 3-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 4-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 6-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 7-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 8-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 9-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 1-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 10-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 11-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 12-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 13-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 14-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 15-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 16-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 18-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 19-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 20-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 21-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 22-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 23-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 24-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 25-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 26-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 27-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 28-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 29-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 30-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 31-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 32-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 33-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 34-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 35-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 5-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 36-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 37-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 17-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 38-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 39-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.57M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | Tile 40-40 Fra:0 Mem:5044.50M (Peak 5044.57M) | Time:02:11.69 | Compositing | De-initializing execution Saved: /dev/shm/blender_proc_18e2a9efb68d4dd0a617dfee9607f059/depth_0000.exr Saved: /dev/shm/blender_proc_18e2a9efb68d4dd0a617dfee9607f059/segmap_0000.exr Saved: '/dev/shm/blender_proc_18e2a9efb68d4dd0a617dfee9607f059/rgb_0000.png' Time: 02:12.85 (Saving: 00:01.02)

Finished rendering after 132.887 seconds Merging data for frame 0 into /home/raja/00_projects/00_E-Terry/output/farm/0/0.hdf5

cornerfarmer commented 7 months ago

Hey @Varatharajan-Raja,

assuming your gpu works correctly, I would guess that your objects have too many triangels/vertices. How many do they have? Maybe try to reduce them.

Next to reducing the complexity of your objects, you can also reduce the number of samples to render. You can adjust that via bproc.renderer.set_noise_threshold() and bproc.rendererset_max_amount_of_samples() (See https://github.com/DLR-RM/BlenderProc/blob/76621a1070ea0a9e4f8747529f1a190deb2f5437/docs/tutorials/renderer.md#samples--denoiser)

Varatharajan-Raja commented 4 months ago

Hey @cornerfarmer ,

Excuse me for getting back to this late again. Also, Thanks for your comment. I'm able to successfully sample the objects in 2 different way I wanted. Moreover, there isn't any problem with GPU.

But In my rendered images I see that the initially loaded 3D models (.obj) remain in the origin as mentioned here #424

What all I tried :

  1. I moved the initially loaded objects far from the main scene. As my camera points to POI, so no camera poses are rendered which is obvious to me.
  2. Tried to hide the initially loaded 3D models from rendering. But this doesn't help as I duplicate the models in the N numbers I wish and the hide_object=True is also set to the duplicated ones. However, again I can set them to True but I couldn't exactly locate the initially loaded ones in the pool of models. Moreover, I don't feel this is a good practice/approach.
  3. Eventhough I don't wanted to, I also tried to delete the objects that are exactly in the origin but somehow I still see the initially loaded objects in the origin. Clueless why?

Do you have any suggestions to get rid of the initially loaded 3D models(.obj's) from the scene of rendering?

cornerfarmer commented 4 months ago

Hey @Varatharajan-Raja,

could you please give a minimal code snippet that reproduces you issue? Also is the 3D model just a single object or multiple objects? Have you tried to look at your scene in the debug mode (https://github.com/DLR-RM/BlenderProc?tab=readme-ov-file#debugging-in-the-blender-gui)? Usually this helps to understand whats actually going on the scene.

Varatharajan-Raja commented 4 months ago

Hey @cornerfarmer ,

Those are single object 3D models. I also saw the initially loaded objects in scene setup in debug mode. See the images below.

Debug mode: grafik

Debug mode: grafik

Rendered Images: grafik

Here is the minimal code sample. Please change the paths accordingly whereever required. Here I delete the initially loaded objects just before rendering loop and you have option to hide too. try both . Also models can be found in the link.

Google Drive

Varatharajan-Raja commented 4 months ago

Hey @cornerfarmer,

Did you try out the minimal code snippet? Were you able to identify why blenderproc not able to delete or hide objects from origin?

cornerfarmer commented 4 months ago

You have to give me access to the files, otherwise I cannot debug it.

Varatharajan-Raja commented 4 months ago

Hey @cornerfarmer,

Now I have given access to it. Thanks

cornerfarmer commented 4 months ago

Hey @Varatharajan-Raja,

the bug is in your create_targets_and_weeds function. Even though, you request to have only 9 duplicates of the target object, you create way more. However the function only returns 9 of them, so only 9 get placed later on. The rest stays at the origin. I would recommend to stop the execution after calling create_targets_and_weeds and then use blenderproc debug to verify that only 9 duplicates of your target object are in the scene.

Varatharajan-Raja commented 4 months ago

Thank you @cornerfarmer. OMG I overlooked this one. Which made me believe that only the initially loaded object were actually seen at the origin. True that some redundant duplicates were sitting at the origin. I verified this in the debug mode too.