When generate point cloud from depth with function blenderproc.camera.pointcloud_from_depth(), the result point cloud has it value in blender world coordinate instead of the coordinate in camera pose.
Minimal code example
pose_number = 0
with open(camera, "r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
position, euler_rotation = line[:3], line[3:6]
matrix_world = bproc.math.build_transformation_mat(position, euler_rotation)
# convert_matrix_world = (
# bproc.math.change_source_coordinate_frame_of_transformation_matrix(
# matrix_world, ["X", "Y", "Z"]
# )
# )
# bproc.camera.add_camera_pose(convert_matrix_world)
pose_number += 1
# for i in range(pose_number):
# bvh_tree = bproc.object.create_bvh_tree_multi_objects(objs)
# depth = bproc.camera.depth_via_raytracing(bvh_tree, i)
# points = bproc.camera.pointcloud_from_depth(depth, i)
# points = points.reshape(-1, 3)
# # using numpy to filter out nan values
# points = points[~np.isnan(points).any(axis=1)]
# open3d_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
# open3d_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points)
# # save the point cloud
# o3d.io.write_point_cloud(
# os.path.join(point_cloud_output, f"point_cloud_{i}.pcd"), open3d_points
# )
data = bproc.renderer.render()
# data["depth"] = bproc.postprocessing.add_kinect_azure_noise(
# data["depth"], data["colors"]
# )
bproc.writer.write_hdf5(point_cloud_ref_image_raw_output, data)
for i in range(pose_number):
depth = data["depth"][i]
points = bproc.camera.pointcloud_from_depth(depth, i)
points = points.reshape(-1, 3)
# using numpy to filter out nan values
points = points[~np.isnan(points).any(axis=1)]
open3d_points = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
open3d_points.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points)
# save the point cloud
os.path.join(point_cloud_output, f"point_cloud_{i}.pcd"), open3d_points
Files required to run the code
No response
Expected behavior
When creating a point cloud from a depth image, we usually assume that the generated point cloud will use the coordinates of the camera pose instead of the world coordinate frame. However, this is not mentioned in either the tutorial or the API, which can confuse the user.
Describe the issue
When generate point cloud from depth with function blenderproc.camera.pointcloud_from_depth(), the result point cloud has it value in blender world coordinate instead of the coordinate in camera pose.
Minimal code example
Files required to run the code
No response
Expected behavior
When creating a point cloud from a depth image, we usually assume that the generated point cloud will use the coordinates of the camera pose instead of the world coordinate frame. However, this is not mentioned in either the tutorial or the API, which can confuse the user.
BlenderProc version