DNNCommunity / DNN.NewsFeeds

DNN News Feeds is a module used for displaying aggregated news feeds your DNN site.
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Issue with pulling from an ATOM feeds #13

Open alanmurray-owsd opened 1 year ago

alanmurray-owsd commented 1 year ago

I am trying to use this module to pull data from an ATOM feed but not getting what I expected as a result.

I am trying to add the feeds from Environment Canada Weather Alerts site to my DNN website. The Environment Canada Alerts site uses ATOM feeds not standard RSS feeds. However the module isn't displaying the data correctly or as I would have expected.

To reproduce this I have added the feed from one of the Alert pages. The URL for the ATOM feed I tested is https://weather.gc.ca/rss/battleboard/onrm60_e.xml

To do this I click on Edit Newsfeeds and add the Feed to the URL list. When I add the URL under the setting for "Feed Transformation" if I change from "Use Default Transformation" to "Atom 1.0 Transformation" then nothing appears in the Cache box after saving and going back into Edit. Now if I leave this setting to "Use Default Transformation" then I do get the feed in the Cache so it appears to be working fine using Default Transformation but "Atom 1.0 Transformation" appears to do nothing. So I have to leave this set to "Use Default Transformation"

Next if I go into the Module Settings - News Module Settings and select any XSL transformation file the feed appears to show properly in the module. However if you take a closer look at the feeds in the module on the website I notice that the link on the Feed's title isn't working. I believe this is because in an ATOM feed the link element is a self-closed element.

It is as though the module doesn't have transformation files for ATOM feeds.

Are there ATOM Transformation files available for the module or am I doing something wrong when trying to use an ATOM feed.