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GA4-ODDD Property Analytics: consolidate versions of "" #3049

Open cthomasONRR opened 3 months ago

cthomasONRR commented 3 months ago

Right now, there are 3 versions displaying within the analytics (highlighted in the image below). Is there a way to consolidate these as 1 instance?

cthomasONRR commented 1 month ago

Continuing to research options. Moving to next sprint.

eelzi-ONRR commented 1 month ago

I'll look into Boolean custom filter options

eelzi-ONRR commented 1 month ago

Christine will follow up with DAP on their solution

cthomasONRR commented 1 month ago

DAP devs made a fix to the referring pages metric. They say it will be pushed live on 6/24. I followed up to get details on the fix so we can potentially apply it to our private ODDD property.

EDIT: DAP says the code update will be available on their GitHub.