Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers v3. ISIS3 is a digital image processing software package to manipulate imagery collected by current and past NASA and International planetary missions.
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Mapping groups donot match between cubes #5544

Open mun-mn opened 1 month ago

mun-mn commented 1 month ago

Description Hello, I am trying to mosaic two map projected cube files through automos. I have created a list file to ingest consisting the cube files to be mosaic. I have chosen the default settings in the automos gui. Also, all the required parameters are exactly same in both the cube files to be mosaic. Still I am getting an error as "Mapping groups don't match between cubes"

Please help.

Thanks in advance Screenshot from 2024-07-10 15-25-46

lwellerastro commented 1 month ago

Hi @mun-mn, please ensure the images to be mosaicked have these identical Mapping Group elements: ProjectionName, PixelResolution (or MapScale), EquatorialRadius, PolarRadius, LatitudeType, LongitudeDirection, as well as specific map projection keywords (e.g., CenterLatitude, CenterLongitude). (from

Also take into consideration the following parameters:

MATCHBANDBIN = TRUE, the default is to require all the bandbin group and wavelength keywords of the input cube files exactly match the output mosaic.

MATCHDEM = FALSE, the default does not check the SHAPEMODEL keyword of the input cube files and does not propagate what DEM Shapemodel that was used when the input files were projected. 

You can see the image label by using the unix command less on you cube file or run the isis program catlab which will dump the contents of the label directly to your screen or to a specified TO file. You'll want to ensure items under Group = BandBin and Group = Mapping (for keywords mentioned above) are identical as well as value for the ShapeModel keyword.

It's always best to create your own map file to use with cam2map when the intent is to mosaic the images. If you did so, then I would look to the matchbandbin and matchdem label information as the culprit. It's not clear to me from your attachment what all the parameters were set to. You can see the command line equivalent at the bottom of the gui and share that information in the future. It would also be useful to know how the images were processed prior to automos, but start by confirming mapping group, etc. and if that is in order share additional information.

mun-mn commented 1 month ago

@lwellerastro Thank you for your response Sir. As suggested, I have checked all the parameters under the Group= Bandbin and Group = Mapping are identical as well as ShapeModel keyword is also same. However, the items under image info are different. I have attached the labels under the Group= Image info of both the strips herewith. Kindly suggest a solution. 01 02

lwellerastro commented 1 month ago

We're going to need more information - what images/mission data are you working with and what are your precise commands?

mun-mn commented 1 month ago

@lwellerastro I am working with LRO's Mini-RF (CDR) data sets. Firstly I have ingested the images through mrf2isis command, following the github. Next I ran the spiceinit command with default settings (with spksmithed=true, rest all default values). Following this I have calculated the 4 stokes vector , again with default equations. I have followed all the steps as it is provided in git hub after calculating the Stokes vectors. In the cam2map console, I used the simple cylindrical projection, pixres=camera, default range=camera. Rest all the other options were kept on default. Next I am trying to mosaic all my strips pre-processed by the above mentioned steps, but I am not able to do it.