The data are from lakes in 11 states (AR, IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, MO, ND, OH, SD, WI)
The temperature fields are average, maximum, and minimum water temp
The data includes averages over varying timescales (all time, each year, each month, each day) that will need to be filtered out - there are separate columns for Year, Month, Day, Hour, which are noted as 'All' when data is averaged over the corresponding period
No depth is included - we're assuming these are surface temperatures taken with a thermistor sensor attached to a sonar unit on a boat
The data are in separate state-specific tabs within an Excel spreadsheet
Waterbody latitude and longitude are provided, as are waterbody name and the Navico MapWaterbodyID. We should hopefully be able to use this last ID (renamed to Navico ID in this pipeline) to match to the previously incorporated Navico max and mean depth data.
From a quick glance, looks like there may sometimes be >1 site per lake, named differently by waterbody name and (I think) MapWaterbodyID (renamed to Navico ID in this pipeline)
Incorporate the Navico lake temperature data into the pipeline.
Initial notes: