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07062013 Abstracts #12

Closed tlberglund closed 11 years ago

tlberglund commented 11 years ago

@danhillenbrand I've collected these by email, but I figured I'd post them here where everybody can see them. Might you web-site-ify them?

tlberglund commented 11 years ago

Restful API Design At Work

by Tom Marrs RESTful API Design at Work

You’ve been working with RESTful Web Services for a few years now, and you’re looking to improve your design. Maybe you're new to REST on your project. In any case, you have questions:

  • Are there any guidelines and best practices for RESTful API design?
  • How can I tell if a Web Service is truly RESTful?
  • Where can I find well-designed RESTful APIs?

In this presentation, we’ll answer these questions and more:

  • Design of Nouns and Verbs
  • When to use Parameters
  • Pagination
  • Versioning
  • Content Negotiation
tlberglund commented 11 years ago

Discover the Zen of Writing Ascii(Docs)

by Dan Allen

Writing documentation is already hard enough. Why do we make it even more difficult by burying the content in an XML schema like DocBook or struggling with finicky WSYWIG editors?

What if you could write documentation just as you write an email? Forget about the layout and styling and just let the thoughts flow? That’s the idea behind lightweight markup languages such as Markdown and AsciiDoc. Both formats are designed for humans, yet AsciiDoc goes further by meeting even the most advanced publishing requirements and technical semantics. AsciiDoc is fully capable of serving as a shorthand replacement for DocBook, which it is capable of producing.

In AsciiDoc, the bulk of document is the content, which you embellish with mild and intuitive semantic markup. Need to insert code? Just reference the location of the source you want to include. Document getting too long? Divide it into parts. Need to merge changes from another author? Easy! It’s just plain text. AsciiDoc is a much easier way of writing documentation. Many O’Reilly authors agree and have adopted it to write their books. You should enjoy the same benefit.

Drop the angled brackets and come discover the zen of writing documentation in AsciiDoc. While the format is human-friendly, plain text, you’ll still be able to output beautiful HTML 5, DocBook and PDF documents—or even a slide deck like the one used in this presentation! AsciiDoc has you covered from first to final draft.

tlberglund commented 11 years ago

Tom Marrs bio

Tom Marrs is a Technical Architect at Perficient, where he specializes in ServiceOriented Architecture (SOA). He designs and implements mission-critical web and business applications using the latest SOA, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, JavaScript, Java/EE, and Open Source technologies.

Tom is the author of the JSON Refcard for DZone, and the upcoming book JSON at Work for O’Reilly. Tom is also a speaker at the No Fluff Just Stuff (NFJS) and Great Indian Developer Summit (GIDS) conferences.

An active participant in the local technical community, Tom helps emcee at the HTML5 Denver User Group, helped found the Denver Open Source User Group (DOSUG), has served as President of the Denver Java Users Group (DJUG), and speaks at other local user groups.

tlberglund commented 11 years ago

Dan Allen Bio

Dan is an open source advocate, community catalyst, author and speaker. He proudly pursues these passions as a Red Hat employee and community member. In his role as Principal Software Engineer, he serves as the Arquillian community manager and draws on that experience to help make a variety of open source projects wildly successful, including Arquillian, Awestruct, Asciidoctor, JBoss Forge and CDI.

Dan is the author of Seam in Action (Manning, 2008), has written articles for IBM developerWorks, NFJS magazine, Java Tech Journal and JAXenter and is an internationally recognized speaker. He has presented at major software conferences including JavaOne, Devoxx, NFJS, UberConf, RWX, JAX and Jazoon and has been recognized as a JavaOne Rock Star, JBossWorld Top Presenter and JAX Hall of Fame speaker.

After a long conference day, you’ll likely find Dan enjoying chatting about tech and community with fellow community members over a Trappist beer.

danhillenbrand commented 11 years ago

Using my web-site-ification-LITE process, these are now web-site-ified.

tlberglund commented 11 years ago

:boom: Thanks, @danhillenbrand!

danhillenbrand commented 11 years ago

@tlberglund @matthewmccullough Hello team: Tom sent me his slides the other day, and I just now made them available for all to see. He reminded me today to get it done, so I quickly put them up on SpeakerDeck...under my own github account since I don't think I can access the DOSUG account: I added a link to it in the comments for the June 4th meeting.

Is SpeakerDeck via the DOSUG account the appropriate place to put these?


tlberglund commented 11 years ago

@danhillenbrand Very kind of you to rig that up. I think we can host them, or better yet, @tmarrs could make a SpeakerDeck account and put the slides there! (Tom, the awesome thing about this is that the slides get associated with you instead of DOSUG, which is good for you. :grinning:)

tmarrs commented 11 years ago

Tim, I have SpeakerDeck account, and I could post my slides there.



Tom Marrs, MCIS, MTEL, PSM I 303-547-5415

On Jun 11, 2013, at 11:54 AM, Tim Berglund wrote:

@danhillenbrand Very kind of you to rig that up. I think we can host them, or better yet, @tmarrs could make a SpeakerDeck account and put the slides there! (Tom, the awesome thing about this is that the slides get associated with you instead of DOSUG, which is good for you. )

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

tlberglund commented 11 years ago

@tmarrs Bring it! Post the link here when you're done. :)