Connecting the Test-bed to DLR's open-source traffic simulator SUMO.
This is an example to connect the open-source microscopic traffic simulation SUMO with the Apache Kafka test-bed with use of the test-bed's python adapter, so that the test-bed can send messages to SUMO and SUMO can take them into considerations during simulation. SUMO can also send messages back to the test-bed.
Before you use this connector on your computer/laptop, you need to
git clone
. In particular, you must install the adapter's requirements pip3 install -r requirements.txt
.git clone
).cd sumo-connector
) and start SUMO: python
) or use the TMT GUI.After cloning the sumo-connector you will find a directory called acosta, which is the example scenario. This scenario is a part of the City Bologna in Italy. All the related simulation data can be found under the directory acosta.
An intersection is closed in this scenario. The test-bed will first send the messages, defined in the respective Configuration.json, to start the simulation. After that, it will send the messages about the affected area, defined in the AffectedArea.json. Then the affected roads and the broken traffic lights will be identifed by SUMO. When the simulation time corresponds to the begin time of the event, th affected roads and traffic lights will be shut down. When the event is over, the closed roads and traffic lights will be reset.
During the simulation, the data (vehicle type, slope, speed, position and angle) for each vehicle will be sent to the test-bed at each sample interval, defined in the Configuration.json.
After the installation, you need to execute the and as well as to start the time service at the test-bed, which you set up. Before you start the scripts, you need to change the information about the host and the schema registry in both scripts.
After cloning the sumo-connector you can also find a directory called WorldForumTheHague. All of the related simulation data can be found under the respective directory.
Four intersections near the world forum are closed in this scenario. The simulation and event durations are 30 and 15 minutes respectively. The other simulation actions are the same as those in the scenario acosta.
All actions are the same as those in the scenario acosta except that the directory name of the scenario needs to be set to WorldForumTheHague when calling
(see the run-test.bat in the respective directory as example).