DS4PS / cpp-527-fall-2020

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LAB 1 #2

Open JayCastro opened 4 years ago

JayCastro commented 4 years ago

Hi for this lab I get this error

Error in changeDoor(stay = T, opened.door = opened.door, a.pick = my.initial.pick) : could not find function "changeDoor"

I dont know how much of my code I am allowed to send

lecy commented 4 years ago

I would search the document for changeDoor.

Note it is defined as change_door() in the chunk. It must be spelled differently in another chunk.

change_door <- function( stay=T, opened.door, a.pick )


   return( final.pick )  # number between 1 and 3

JayCastro commented 4 years ago

Is it change_door instead of changeDoor because thats how it is in the Lab work that was given to us so I decided not to change.

JayCastro commented 4 years ago

Okay i did that change and i think it works . Can i get it submitted early to have it checked cause i think i did it right?

lecy commented 4 years ago

Yeah, it was a typo in the test code for Step 05. The lab instructions have been updated.


lecy commented 4 years ago

Go ahead and paste the results from the test code section here. We can tell if your functions are working based upon the output:

What does this chunk return:

# your game "recipe" 
this.game <- create_game()
my.initial.pick <- select_door()
opened.goat.door <- open_goat_door( this.game, my.initial.pick )

# save results for both strategies for the game
my.final.pick.stay <- change_door( stay=T, 
                                   a.pick=my.initial.pick )
my.final.pick.switch <- change_door( stay=F, 
                                     a.pick=my.initial.pick )

# print game details and if you won

# if you stayed:
paste0( "GAME SETUP" )
paste0( "My initial selection: ", my.initial.pick )
paste0( "The opened goat door: ", opened.goat.door )
paste0( "My final selection: ", my.final.pick.stay )
paste0( "GAME OUTCOME:" )
determine_winner( final.pick=my.final.pick.stay, 
                  game=this.game )

# if you switched:
paste0( "GAME SETUP" )
paste0( "My initial selection: ", my.initial.pick )
paste0( "The opened goat door: ", opened.goat.door )
paste0( "My final selection: ", my.final.pick.switch )
paste0( "GAME OUTCOME:" )
determine_winner( final.pick=my.final.pick.switch, 
                  game=this.game )
JayCastro commented 4 years ago

[1] "GAME SETUP" [1] "goat" "goat" "car" [1] "My initial selection: 3" [1] "The opened goat door: goat" [1] "My final selection: 3" [1] "GAME OUTCOME:" [1] "WIN" [1] "GAME SETUP" [1] "goat" "goat" "car" [1] "My initial selection: 3" [1] "The opened goat door: goat" [1] "My final selection: 1" [1] "GAME OUTCOME:" [1] "LOSE"

lecy commented 4 years ago

Looks fine to me. The only problem is the open_goat_door() function should return the door number, not the thing behind the door. If you are opening the goat door you know it's a goat already. There is no way to verify the door is correct, then, and it is also ambiguous moving to the next step because there are two goat doors.

[1] "The opened goat door: goat"

lecy commented 4 years ago

Try re-running that test code several times as well. It randomizes the order every time.