DSPN / azure-resource-manager-dse

Azure Resource Manager templates for DataStax Enterprise
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Preconfigured Backups #12

Open benofben opened 9 years ago

benofben commented 9 years ago

The template deploys DSE nodes configured to use ephemeral storage and attaches a data disk that can be used for data backups in the event of a cluster failure resulting in the loss of the data on the ephemeral disks. Ideally we would automate this backup process.

benofben commented 8 years ago

The template no longer attaches the data disk for backups. Creating a backup is currently a process left entirely to the end user.

benofben commented 8 years ago

This is where we seem to be tracking this question internally: https://datastax.jira.com/browse/OPSC-5185

benofben commented 8 years ago

Rich has a script here that looks helpful for this as well: https://github.com/richrein/cassandra.bin/blob/master/datastaxagent_backup_local_disk

benofben commented 8 years ago

LCM may help address this. http://docs.datastax.com/en/latest-opscenter/opsc/online_help/services/opscManagingBackups_c.html

benofben commented 7 years ago

This may move out of scope. Need to understand what exactly LCM gives here.