DVDishka / Backuper

Minecraft backup plugin for Paper/Folia servers
MIT License
14 stars 0 forks source link
backup bukkit folia java minecraft minecraft-plugin paper plugin spigot
# Backuper ## _Simple backup plugin for Paper/Folia with FTP/SFTP support_ --- [![bStats Graph Data](https://bstats.org/signatures/bukkit/Backuper.svg)](https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/Backuper)


Version numbers changing


Incompatible version changes

1.x.x - 2.x.x

2.x.x - 3.x.x

Basic setup

Use plugins/Backuper/config.yml to configure plugin

  1. Automatic backups are enabled by default. To change backup interval change backup.backupPeriod option. To disable automatic backups change backup.autoBackup option
  2. If you want to make your backups one time a day at specific time change backup.backupTime option
  3. If you want to restart your server after automatic backup use backup.afterBackup option
  4. To set the maximum number of backups to store change local.maxBackupsNumber/ftp.maxBackupsNumber/sftp.maxBackupsNumber
  5. To set the maximum weight of backups to store change local.maxBackupsNumber/ftp.maxBackupsNumber/sftp.maxBackupsNumber

To setup FTP/SFTP storage check the Configuration section below

To configure the plugin, it is best to look at the full Configuration section, there are many useful options there


Backup settings

Local storage settings

FTP storage settings


SFTP storage settings


Server settings


The storage argument is responsible for the storages such as local, FTP, SFTP. To use these arguments storages must be enabled, the separator sign is -. (Example: local, ftp-sftp, local-ftp-sftp)


Basic permissions

Local storage permissions

SFTP storage permissions

FTP storage permissions

Other permissions
