Dallinger / Griduniverse

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Participants choose action: 5pts #237

Open skleinfeldt opened 1 year ago

skleinfeldt commented 1 year ago

User story:

As a participant, I can choose the action button or the consume button or neither. If a transition is initiated, the outcome state will be reflected in the UI. If the object is consumed, the appropriate number of points is credited to the player.

alecpm commented 1 year ago

I've implemented this in PR #253. Right now consume and transition use the same key (space), but they could be easily separated if there's a reason to do so. Right now consumption is executed if there's no available transition and the currently held item has a value for calories. There is also a drop action triggered by the d key.

alecpm commented 1 year ago

I guess we could have another action key (e.g. c) for consuming the item on the current map square without picking it up. Perhaps it would consume that item even when you are holding another item? Would it also consume the item you're holding if you're on a square without a consumable item (similar to space)? @nataliavelez is that what you were thinking?

nataliavelez commented 1 year ago

I think that might get a little complicated. In OHOL, you can’t eat something directly off the ground without picking it up. For example, the steps to consume a gooseberry are:

  1. While occupying a square with a gooseberry bush, press the “action" button ([empty hand] + gooseberry bush -> gooseberry + gooseberry bush)
  2. Press the “consume” button to eat the gooseberry

The disadvantage of this scheme is that you can’t “multitask” (e.g., pick up a snack while you’re holding a tool to do something else)—you have to put down what you’re holding to eat. But I think that’s actually a virtue, since players have to trade off between crafting things and actually consuming things that will give them points.

On Aug 2, 2023, at 3:22 AM, Alec Mitchell @.**@.>> wrote:

I guess we could have another action key (e.g. c) for consuming the item on the current map square without picking it up. Perhaps it would consume that item even when you are holding another item? Would it also consume the item you're holding if you're on a square without a consumable item (similar to space)? @nataliavelezhttps://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_nataliavelez&d=DwMCaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=_zN8alf97et5f_9XM5lsRU7TjKsaT7Be6eICcRX7YMU&m=kWC0xdvVH5nAyBAgScOkISGVhAIbu7HKJkak9Bm61y7_7nWHdNAQ6MYf5E99_2e3&s=8BSX-6e96lQ9LuV-5JOZ039ugvIPZ0xu-Qq9mt1QSxY&e= is that what you were thinking?

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alecpm commented 1 year ago

@nataliavelez In that case, is there a need for a separate consume key? Right now the rules for the action key (spacebar) are, in order:

  1. If neither the square nor the player has an object use the original "plant food" action from Grid Universe (this is kind of dumb and we could replace it with a null -> null transition, but it's there of backwards compatibility for now).
  2. If there's an available transition between the items in hand and in the square, execute it.
  3. If the item in hand has calories, consume one of its remaining uses.
  4. If there's no item in hand and there's a portable item on the ground, pick it up.

There's a second key (d) that can be used to drop an object when on an empty square, and we could change 3 to do a drop instead of consume, and make a separate consume key that consumes regardless of the availability of transitions. Having a separate key for dropping items seemed more intuitive to me, but I can see the case for a separate consume key instead.