DanKim0213 / Today-I-Learned

Today I Learned
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Today I Learned

Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” — Will Rogers

내가 오늘 배운 것들을 정리한 레포지토리

이 레포지토리는 기억의 지도를 만드는 데 의의가 있다. 따라서 상세한 내용은 공식 문서를 참조한다. 그러나 마땅히 참조할만한 공식문서가 없거나 내가 자주 헤매는 부분은 상세히 설명할 수도 있다.

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├── Algorithms
│   ├── DataStructures
│   ├── Graph
│   ├── Optimization
│   ├── Search
│   └── Undefined
├── Develop
│   ├── Reactjs
│   ├── Test
│   └── Web
├── Languages
│   ├── JavaScript
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│   ├── SQL
│   └── TypeScript
└── Tools
    ├── Git
    ├── Google
    └── VIM



Reactjs ==> Develop/Reactjs/components-must-be-pure.md <== # Component Must Be Pure TL;DR; - Components must be pure since, by doing so, React can restart rendering without wasting time. - Strict mode can help surface mistakes caused by impure functions as soon as possible. - `Event handler` is the saviour to comply with purity, in response to side effects. - `useEffect()` call is your last resort, in response to side effects. So far, you've looked over [What Makes React Exceptional](./what-makes-react-exceptional.md). ==> Develop/Reactjs/react-hook-form.md <== # React Hook Form Simple form validation with React Hook Form. [Quick Start](https://react-hook-form.com/get-started#Quickstart) ==> Develop/Reactjs/what-makes-react-exceptional.md <== # What Makes React Exceptional TL;DR; - Tell React your destination, not turn by turn where to go - Declarative UI Programming. - All React “sees” is the UI tree you return, based on which it changes the DOM nodes. So far, you've looked over [How Browser Renders Content](../Web/how-browser-renders-content.md)
Web ==> Develop/Web/how-browser-renders-content.md <== # How Browser Renders Content TL;DR; 1. DOM tree 2. CSSOM tree 3. Render tree 4. Layout 5. Paint ==> Develop/Web/responsive-design.md <== # Responsive Design Table of Content 1. Types of design 1. Responsive Design 1. Media queries 1. Macro layouts 1. Micro layouts 1. Typography ==> Develop/Web/testing-tool.md <== # Load Testing Tool Content 1. K6 1. Lighthouse 1. Furthermore ## K6 ==> Develop/Web/what-happens-behind-browser.md <== # What Happens Behind Browser TL;DR; 1. IP address for the domain 2. TCP Connection 3. HTTP request to the server 4. Response from the server 5. Browser rendering.
Test ==> Develop/Test/check-arguments.md <== # Check arguments TL;DR; - You have two options to check arguments. - One of them is `mockFn.toHaveBeenCalledWith()`. - The other is `mockFn.toHaveBeenReturnedWith()`. Make sure you've read [Introduction to Test](./introduction-to-test.md). ==> Develop/Test/how-to-handle-errors-with-jest.md <== # How to handle errors with Jest ## Agenda 1. The goal of this post 2. expect.assertions(number) rather than done() 3. .rejects rather than try-catch 4. .toThrow rather than toMatch or toEqual 5. Use-case 1: Handle Error in a function 6. Use-case 2: Handle Error in an asynchronous function ==> Develop/Test/index-of-kent-c-dodds.md <== # Index of Kent C. Dodds ## How to use - How to use jest.mock() and use the exported function as if jest.fn():[app-03](https://github.com/kentcdodds/react-testing-library-course/blob/main/src/__tests__/app-03.js) - How to test custom hooks with `renderHook()`: [custom-hook-02](https://github.com/kentcdodds/react-testing-library-course/blob/main/src/__tests__/custom-hook-02.js) to [custom-hook-03](https://github.com/kentcdodds/react-testing-library-course/blob/main/src/__tests__/custom-hook-03.js) - How to use `mockFn.fn()` with `mockFn.mockResolvedValueOnce()` for dependency injection: [dependency-injection](https://github.com/kentcdodds/react-testing-library-course/blob/main/src/__tests__/dependency-injection.js) - How to use MSW: [http-jest-mock](https://github.com/kentcdodds/react-testing-library-course/blob/main/src/__tests__/http-jest-mock.js) and [http-msw-mock](https://github.com/kentcdodds/react-testing-library-course/blob/main/src/__tests__/http-msw-mock.js) - How to use queryBy: [mock-component](https://github.com/kentcdodds/react-testing-library-course/blob/main/src/__tests__/mock-component.js) ==> Develop/Test/introduction-to-test.md <== # Introduction to Test TL;DR; - Test as simple as possible. - Test as much as users would use. - Test as precisely as possible. > [The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.](https://testing-library.com/docs/guiding-principles/) ==> Develop/Test/test-as-much-as-users-would-use.md <== # Test as much as Users would use TL;DR; - Priority when to query: `Role` > `LabelText` > `Text`. - Avoid to use `TestId`. - Use `user-event` over `fire-event`. - You can't access component methods or the component instance. Make sure you've read [Introduction to Test](./introduction-to-test.md). ==> Develop/Test/test-as-precisely-as-possible.md <== # Test as precisely as possible TL;DR; - Use proper queries. - Make your tests more declarative. - Query within elements. Make sure you've read [Introduction to Test](./introduction-to-test.md). ==> Develop/Test/test-as-simple-as-possible.md <== # Test as simple as possible TL;DR; - Write Integration tests rather than Unit tests. - Isolate modules by mocking. - Separte concerns by tests for meaningful test fails. Make sure you've read [Introduction to Test](./introduction-to-test.md).

Introduction ==> Algorithms/introduction-to-algorithms.md <== # Introduction to Algorithms TL;DR; - Algorithms are largely divided into two parts: _Brute-force_ and _Divide-and-Conquer_. - You should be used to _Data Structure_ before diving into Algorithms. - You could unexpectedly run into two errors: _Recursion Error_ and _Timeout Error_. ==> Algorithms/bfs-vs-dfs.md <== # BFS vs DFS TL;DR; - Either BFS or DFS: problems solved by just checking link between nodes. - BFS: not only checking link but also achieving your goal in the middle of searching. - DFS: not only checking link but also achieving your goal in the end of searching. ## Either BFS or DFS