Danation / SwypeTweaks

Android Xposed module for changing the behavior of the popular keyboard app.
Apache License 2.0
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Lot of errors in the Xposed logs with version 1.5.1 #4

Closed francwalter closed 8 years ago

francwalter commented 8 years ago

Hello like I posted in the xda thread there are a lot of errors in the Xposed Logfile when using version 1.5.1 SwypeTweaks.

In version 1.5 there is no error in the log and the features are working. But even here, with 1.5 there are entries in the logfile of Xposed, when just using Swype. I think that shouldn't be, the log will increase permanently then and could grow too big. Other modules don't write log entries after the start of Xposed anymore.

The errors in 1.5.1 in the Xposed log are this:

10-03 12:00:16.982 I/Xposed  (  248): -----------------
10-03 12:00:16.982 I/Xposed  (  248): Starting Xposed version 74, compiled for SDK 22
10-03 12:00:16.982 I/Xposed  (  248): Device: GT-I9505 (samsung), Android version 5.1.1 (SDK 22)
10-03 12:00:16.982 I/Xposed  (  248): ROM: cm_jfltexx-userdebug 5.1.1 LVY48F e4e97833de test-keys
10-03 12:00:16.982 I/Xposed  (  248): Build fingerprint: samsung/jfltexx/jflte:5.0.1/LRX22C/I9505XXUHOB7:user/release-keys
10-03 12:00:16.982 I/Xposed  (  248): Platform: armeabi-v7a, 32-bit binary, system server: yes
10-03 12:00:16.982 I/Xposed  (  248): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes
10-03 12:00:18.003 I/Xposed  (  248): -----------------
10-03 12:00:18.003 I/Xposed  (  248): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
10-03 12:00:18.604 I/Xposed  (  248): Detected ART runtime
10-03 12:00:18.634 I/Xposed  (  248): Found Xposed class de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge, now initializing
10-03 12:00:19.054 I/Xposed  (  248): Loading modules from /data/app/com.thetonyp.truesilentmode-1/base.apk
10-03 12:00:19.285 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class com.thetonyp.truesilentmode.TrueSilentMode
10-03 12:00:19.315 I/Xposed  (  248): Loading modules from /data/app/com.thetonyp.batteryshutdownmanager-1/base.apk
10-03 12:00:19.395 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class com.thetonyp.batteryshutdownmanager.BatteryDialog
10-03 12:00:19.475 I/Xposed  (  248): Loading modules from /data/app/de.defim.apk.bootmanager-1/base.apk
10-03 12:00:19.515 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class de.defim.apk.bootmanager.Xposed
10-03 12:00:19.535 I/Xposed  (  248):     [BootManager] initialized
10-03 12:00:19.535 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class de.defim.apk.bootmanager.Xcheck
10-03 12:00:19.535 I/Xposed  (  248): Loading modules from /data/app/biz.bokhorst.xprivacy-2/base.apk
10-03 12:00:19.635 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class biz.bokhorst.xprivacy.XPrivacy
10-03 12:00:20.105 I/Xposed  (  248): Loading modules from /data/app/org.t2k269.perapphacking-1/base.apk
10-03 12:00:20.135 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class org.t2k269.perapphacking.HackService
10-03 12:00:20.165 I/Xposed  (  248): Loading modules from /data/app/de.robv.android.xposed.mods.appsettings-1/base.apk
10-03 12:00:20.206 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class de.robv.android.xposed.mods.appsettings.XposedMod
10-03 12:00:20.246 I/Xposed  (  248): Loading modules from /data/app/com.oasisfeng.greenify-1/base.apk
10-03 12:00:20.356 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class com.oasisfeng.greenify.pro.FrameworkPatch
10-03 12:00:20.406 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class com.oasisfeng.greenify.pro.SettingsPatch
10-03 12:00:20.406 I/Xposed  (  248): Loading modules from /data/app/com.spazedog.xposed.additionsgb-1/base.apk
10-03 12:00:20.496 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class com.spazedog.xposed.additionsgb.backend.XposedInjector
10-03 12:00:20.586 I/Xposed  (  248): Loading modules from /data/app/com.danation.xposed.swypetweaks-1/base.apk
10-03 12:00:20.606 I/Xposed  (  248):   Loading class com.danation.xposed.swypetweaks.SwypeTweaks
10-03 12:00:21.697 I/DEBUG   (  229): debuggerd: Sep 30 2015 01:36:35
10-03 12:01:34.598 I/Xposed  ( 1228): SwypeTweaks: Found Swype package: com.nuance.swype.dtc
10-03 12:14:28.265 F/libc    (  232): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 10640 (generic)
10-03 12:14:28.265 I/DEBUG   (  229): property debug.db.uid not set; NOT waiting for gdb.
10-03 12:14:28.265 I/DEBUG   (  229): HINT: adb shell setprop debug.db.uid 100000
10-03 12:14:28.265 I/DEBUG   (  229): HINT: adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
10-03 12:14:28.345 I/DEBUG   (  229): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
10-03 12:14:28.345 I/DEBUG   (  229): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/jfltexx/jflte:5.0.1/LRX22C/I9505XXUHOB7:user/release-keys'
10-03 12:14:28.345 I/DEBUG   (  229): Revision: '11'
10-03 12:14:28.345 I/DEBUG   (  229): ABI: 'arm'
10-03 12:14:28.345 I/DEBUG   (  229): pid: 232, tid: 10640, name: generic  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
10-03 12:14:28.345 I/DEBUG   (  229): signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229): Abort message: 'frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice/nuplayer/GenericSource.cpp:1581 CHECK(mbuf->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)) failed.'
10-03 12:14:28.386 E/DEBUG   (  229): AM write failure (32 / Broken pipe)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     r0 00000000  r1 00002990  r2 00000006  r3 00000000
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     r4 b3105db8  r5 00000006  r6 00000002  r7 0000010c
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     r8 00000002  r9 00000000  sl b3105c38  fp 00000000
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     ip 00002990  sp b3105788  lr b6ed7869  pc b6efa620  cpsr 60000010
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229): 
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229): backtrace:
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #00 pc 00037620  /system/lib/libc.so (tgkill+12)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #01 pc 00014865  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_kill+52)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #02 pc 000155bb  /system/lib/libc.so (raise+10)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #03 pc 00011d25  /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_android_abort+36)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #04 pc 000100b8  /system/lib/libc.so (abort+4)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #05 pc 0000771d  /system/lib/libcutils.so (__android_log_assert+88)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #06 pc 0005892b  /system/lib/libmediaplayerservice.so (android::NuPlayer::GenericSource::readBuffer(android::media_track_type, long long, long long*, bool)+286)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #07 pc 00058da3  /system/lib/libmediaplayerservice.so (android::NuPlayer::GenericSource::onReadBuffer(android::sp<android::AMessage>)+62)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #08 pc 00059065  /system/lib/libmediaplayerservice.so (android::NuPlayer::GenericSource::onMessageReceived(android::sp<android::AMessage> const&)+648)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #09 pc 0000b3ab  /system/lib/libstagefright_foundation.so (android::ALooperRoster::deliverMessage(android::sp<android::AMessage> const&)+166)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #10 pc 0000ad2d  /system/lib/libstagefright_foundation.so (android::ALooper::loop()+220)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #11 pc 0000ef51  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+112)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #12 pc 0000eac1  /system/lib/libutils.so
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #13 pc 00014053  /system/lib/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+30)
10-03 12:14:28.386 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #14 pc 00012083  /system/lib/libc.so (__start_thread+6)
10-03 12:14:29.937 I/DEBUG   (  229): 
10-03 12:14:29.937 I/DEBUG   (  229): Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_06
10-03 12:14:41.518 F/libc    (10665): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 11003 (generic)
10-03 12:14:41.518 I/DEBUG   (  229): property debug.db.uid not set; NOT waiting for gdb.
10-03 12:14:41.518 I/DEBUG   (  229): HINT: adb shell setprop debug.db.uid 100000
10-03 12:14:41.518 I/DEBUG   (  229): HINT: adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
10-03 12:14:41.618 I/DEBUG   (  229): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
10-03 12:14:41.618 I/DEBUG   (  229): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/jfltexx/jflte:5.0.1/LRX22C/I9505XXUHOB7:user/release-keys'
10-03 12:14:41.618 I/DEBUG   (  229): Revision: '11'
10-03 12:14:41.618 I/DEBUG   (  229): ABI: 'arm'
10-03 12:14:41.618 I/DEBUG   (  229): pid: 10665, tid: 11003, name: generic  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
10-03 12:14:41.618 I/DEBUG   (  229): signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229): Abort message: 'frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice/nuplayer/GenericSource.cpp:1581 CHECK(mbuf->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)) failed.'
10-03 12:14:41.668 E/DEBUG   (  229): AM write failure (32 / Broken pipe)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     r0 00000000  r1 00002afb  r2 00000006  r3 00000000
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     r4 b3003db8  r5 00000006  r6 00000002  r7 0000010c
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     r8 00000002  r9 00000000  sl b3003c38  fp 00000000
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     ip 00002afb  sp b3003788  lr b6ea9869  pc b6ecc620  cpsr 60000010
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229): 
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229): backtrace:
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #00 pc 00037620  /system/lib/libc.so (tgkill+12)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #01 pc 00014865  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_kill+52)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #02 pc 000155bb  /system/lib/libc.so (raise+10)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #03 pc 00011d25  /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_android_abort+36)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #04 pc 000100b8  /system/lib/libc.so (abort+4)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #05 pc 0000771d  /system/lib/libcutils.so (__android_log_assert+88)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #06 pc 0005892b  /system/lib/libmediaplayerservice.so (android::NuPlayer::GenericSource::readBuffer(android::media_track_type, long long, long long*, bool)+286)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #07 pc 00058da3  /system/lib/libmediaplayerservice.so (android::NuPlayer::GenericSource::onReadBuffer(android::sp<android::AMessage>)+62)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #08 pc 00059065  /system/lib/libmediaplayerservice.so (android::NuPlayer::GenericSource::onMessageReceived(android::sp<android::AMessage> const&)+648)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #09 pc 0000b3ab  /system/lib/libstagefright_foundation.so (android::ALooperRoster::deliverMessage(android::sp<android::AMessage> const&)+166)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #10 pc 0000ad2d  /system/lib/libstagefright_foundation.so (android::ALooper::loop()+220)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #11 pc 0000ef51  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+112)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #12 pc 0000eac1  /system/lib/libutils.so
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #13 pc 00014053  /system/lib/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+30)
10-03 12:14:41.668 I/DEBUG   (  229):     #14 pc 00012083  /system/lib/libc.so (__start_thread+6)
10-03 12:14:42.689 I/DEBUG   (  229): 
10-03 12:14:42.689 I/DEBUG   (  229): Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_07
10-03 12:27:54.917 F/libc    (11143): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 21316 (generic)

The logfile continues with the same errors, each time I use Swype, but I stop posting this here, I think it is clear enough.

I have this issue on my Samsung Galaxy S4 (jfltexx) with CM 12.1 ROM from 2015-10-03 (nightly).


Danation commented 8 years ago

I don't see any correlation between those logs and SwypeTweaks. Please provide evidence that SwypeTweaks is the cause.

francwalter commented 8 years ago

Right. This is not related to SwypeTweaks. Sorry. This can be closed then.

francwalter commented 8 years ago

By the way: Androids logfiles are very nice, but nearly nobody can read them :)