DanielHazzard / Cure-Please

Final Fantasy XI Healing Bot - (Uses EliteAPI) - Community Maintained
GNU General Public License v2.0
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How to enable 2 instances at the same time with addon? #77

Closed awildpotato1 closed 4 years ago

awildpotato1 commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for the great work.

Newer version doesnt seem to load the addon when 2 instances are run, for say WHM + GEO. I tried changing the default port of the second window but didn't get anywhere. Anyone know how to fix this?

The first instance loads and changes the Addon button to green.


Seems to be working but the actual UI AddOn stays red, but the addon does appear to load.

DanielHazzard commented 5 years ago

You need to make sure each instance has a separate port number before the AddOn is loaded.

Otherwise you need to update the addon with the command Windower //cpaddon settings IPADDRESS PORTNUMBER

Ashita /cpaddon settings IPADDRESS PORTNUMBER

When the AddOn is RED you can click the text and it'll attempt the verification again, if it still remains red then there is a problem somewhere between the addon/program

(Usually a mismatch or FireWall/another program blocking it)