DarkZeros / dbus-mppsolar

DBus VenusOS driver for Vevor inverter
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help for inverter Voltronic Infini VII WP #2

Open legolas3107 opened 3 months ago

legolas3107 commented 3 months ago

Hello I wanted to ask the code for Inverter voltronic Infini VII WP .... connected with the rs232-usb cable reads nothing and connects and disconnects ...I think it has the PI17 protocol ... I tried to change it in dbus-mppsolar.py but it does not work can you help me ? thank you very much

Screenshot 2024-03-21 152214 Screenshot 2024-03-21 152232

nverter voltronic Infini VII WP .... connected with the rs232-usb cable reads nothing and connects and disconnects ...I think it has the PI17 protocol ... I tried to change it in dbus-mppsolar.py but it does not work can you help me ? thank you very much

DarkZeros commented 2 months ago

@legolas3107 Hi, Originally I planned to use this repo as a self-hosted project for me. But given the wide interest, I think I will try to enable support for more inverters. If you can give me more information about your inverter, I can try to draft supprot for it.

The current code, if the inverter is not PI30 protocol will exit, leaving the information data in VRM empty and showing as "disconnected". (as in your screenshots).

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

My inverter is a voltronic Infini VII WP - a hybrid inverter features IP65…. in the mpp-solar the PI17infini protocol exists but I think that in yours for venus it isn't there... I don't know if it's correct but with PI17 it doesn't read anything... tell me if do you need more data... thank you very much

DarkZeros commented 2 months ago

if you run mppsolar with command "QPI" it should return back the protocol of the inverter. I updated the main code to support multiple protocols, but only implemented PI30 and a pseudo support for PI17. Check if it at least doesn't crash, or prints something useful to /var/log.

If I knew the protocol I could draft a commit for the protocol.

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

Screenshot 2024-04-15 183226 this is the result of QPI

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

I hope I didn’t get it wrong , I can’t see the logs but it won’t crash. I reinstalled the package after your change is the same thing. if you tell me where to look I’ll send you the screens

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

Schermata del 2024-04-16 08-37-39

w0vka commented 2 months ago

i had the same error with my inverter (issue #1) . it seams, that the commands QPIGS, QMOD, QPIWS are not supported by the protocol PI17. You can list all the available commands for a protocol with this command: mpp-solar -P PI17 -c

You can try with this commands to test the connection and the response:

PI - Device Protocol Version inquiry

mpp-solar -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -P PI17 -c PI

PIRI - Device rated information

mpp-solar -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -P PI17 -c PIRI

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

thanks as you see in the screenshot the result is 0 , nothing is read

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

0 is the protocol or there is an error on the serial port ...the converter chip is FTDI

w0vka commented 2 months ago

If there was a problem with the converter, then there should be no correct output.

I have seen that there is actually a protocol PI00 in mpp-solar:

root@raspberrypi2:~# mpp-solar -p /dev/ttyUSB1 --getDeviceId
usage: mpp-solar [-h] [-n NAME] [-p PORT] [--porttype PORTTYPE] [-P {PI00,PI16,PI17,PI18,PI30,PI30MAX,PI30REVO,PI41,VED,DALY,DALY40}]

I don't know if you have already read through the other issue #1, but it might also help you to manually set the protocol to PI00 in line 45 of the latest commit and reboot your system.

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

changing in line 45 with PI00 in the dbus-mppsolar , nothing has changed

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

Schermata del 2024-04-16 14-34-23 looking at this test and the response of the serial should be the protocol PI17INFINI... correct?

DarkZeros commented 2 months ago

Depends.. the response means "ACK" or "NACK" and is common to PI17/PI17Infini/P18/P18sv. If we could narrow down the inverter, then we can find out. PI should return for your inverter the protocol. Try the latest main branch and check the /var/log

However, looking at PI17, it only supports setting parameters, not reading data. So it might not be so useful to have the dbus interface working, unless you plan to control the inverter with it.

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

the protocol response as in screenshot is 0 ...does not read PI17 data?How do I try the last main branch ?

DarkZeros commented 2 months ago

the protocol response as in screenshot is 0 ...does not read PI17 data?How do I try the last main branch ?

You can just to "git fetch" + "git reset --hard origin/main" to reset the git repo to the upstream latest one. This will ovewrite all the local changes.

However, if the protocol returned is 0 I am not sure how to proceed from there. Maybe we can update to latest mppsolar repo, but they changed too many things, and I am not too confortable coding on python to know how to fix it.

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

could you also add for the PI00 ... or maybe tell me where to put it ? thanks for the help

w0vka commented 2 months ago

However, looking at PI17, it only supports setting parameters, not reading data. So it might not be so useful to have the dbus interface working, unless you plan to control the inverter with it.

I'm not sure, but I think it is actually possible to query the same values with PI17. Checking all commands for the PI17, there are values, which should match those of PI30:

root@raspberrypi2:~# mpp-solar -P PI17 -c
Command: command help - List available commands for protocol PI17
Parameter                       Value           Unit
PI                              Device Protocol Version inquiry -- queries the device protocol version      
ID                              Device Serial Number inquiry -- queries the device serial number            
VFW                             Device CPU version inquiry -- queries the CPU version       
VFW2                            Device CPU 2 version inquiry -- queries the CPU 2 version           
MD                              Device Model inquiry -- queries the device model            
PIRI                            Device rated information -- queries rated information       
GS                              Device rated information -- queries rated information       
PS                              Device Power Status -- queries power status         
MOD                             Device working mode inquiry -- queries the device working mode      
WS                              Warning status inquiry -- queries any active warnings flags from the Inverter 

Maybe it will help? Whereby the output of @legolas3107 does not refer to PI17, but rather to the PI00 protocol?

@legolas3107: Can you query the data with the latest mppsolar release?

I think it would help to go this step first, then we know the protocol and the commands. And knowing that @DarkZeros could implement the protocol to this project.

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

Hello @w0vka I also tried with a linux pc with only mpp-solar installed but I can't read any data with any protocol ... protocol_id 0 this is the resolute...I tried to look for solutions for the voltronic infini solar VII WP 5k but I can't find anything

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

Infini-Solar V&VII&VIII&VIV& V II 6K LV Split-Phase&TWIN protocol 202205....xlsx

This is what I was given by the store... it says it's voltronic owner

w0vka commented 2 months ago

@legolas3107 I think it makes sense for you to submit your request/issue directly to jblance.

Maybe John or someone else from the project can integrate your device into mpp-solar. With the protocol documentation, that shouldn't be a problem for the guys.

legolas3107 commented 2 months ago

@legolas3107 I think it makes sense for you to submit your request/issue directly to jblance.

Maybe John or someone else from the project can integrate your device into mpp-solar. With the protocol documentation, that shouldn't be a problem for the guys.

Followed your advice thank you

DarkZeros commented 2 months ago

Once I have time i will take latest mppsolar from jblance. If they implement the protocol by then then I can implement it here later on.

legolas3107 commented 1 month ago


legolas3107 commented 1 month ago

sometimes the command does not work but now with #jblance we have understood the protocol .... @DarkZeros can you make it work?

DarkZeros commented 1 month ago

I think with that I can, yes, I will try to find time to implement it. First I need to update mpp-solar to the latest version (or does it work with the current one?) Also PIRI command gives the information about the specs, but is there any command that gives live data?

legolas3107 commented 1 month ago


legolas3107 commented 1 month ago

In the screen I think there are data that come out in real time ... the code is updated to 5 months ago so I do not know if even with the old version can work

legolas3107 commented 1 month ago

I @DarkZeros news?

legolas3107 commented 2 weeks ago

hi @w0vka could you help me implement the PI18 protocol too, I'm not very experienced with pyton. You were also able to make yours work by changing a few lines