Darwin-River / Ex-Machinis

Ex Machinis is a multiplayer space game in which players program fleets of remotely-piloted spacecraft to trade and manufacture goods and materials for profit.
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Recategorize functions into modules and programs #247

Closed darozak closed 2 years ago

darozak commented 2 years ago

I should re-categorize functions into modules and programs rather than vocabularies and dictionaries because the former terms are easier to understand in the context of current programming environments and are more consistent with the way that I'm using FORTH "words".

I'll also need to rename resource modules as units to avoid using the same word (i.e. modules) in two different contexts.

darozak commented 2 years ago

I recategorized vocabularies and dictionaries as modules and programs in the wiki. To avoid the confusion of also referring to certain types of resources as modules, I reclassified systems as components and modules as systems in the resources and protocols sections of the wiki.

I still need to update the wiki tutorials so that they refer to functions, modules, and programs rather than words, vocabularies, and dictionaries.

darozak commented 2 years ago

I also reclassified resources in the economy spreadsheet (https://github.com/Darwin-River/Ex-Machinis/commit/5cfd4987b3ce1f3991bcd7cc2ed3c1eaad0b6867).

darozak commented 2 years ago

I've updated all the wiki tutorials so that the now refer to functions, modules, and programs.