DataBrewery / cubes

[NOT MAINTAINED] Light-weight Python OLAP framework for multi-dimensional data analysis
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Problems configuring a slicer store #444

Open pablolmedorado opened 7 years ago

pablolmedorado commented 7 years ago

Hello everyone;

I am interested in pointing a local slicer server to a development slicer server. I have read that it is possible to use a slicer type store, but I am having trouble setting it up.

Here is the slicer development server configuration (slicer.ini):

[workspace] log_level = debug authorization = simple models_directory = models

[server] host = localhost port = 8000 reload = yes prettyprint = yes allow_cors_origin = * json_record_limit = 5000 authentication = pass_parameter

[store] type = sql url = oracle+cx_oracle://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/SID

[models] support = support-cubes-model.json sales = sales-cubes-model.json

[authorization] rights_file = access_rights.json roles_file = access_roles.json order = allow_deny

[authentication] parameter = token

This is the configuration of my local server (slicer.ini):

[workspace] log_level = debug model = model.json

[server] host = localhost port = 5000 reload = yes prettyprint = yes allow_cors_origin = * json_record_limit = 5000

[store] type = slicer url = http://development.server:8000 authentication = pass_parameter auth_parameter = token auth_identity = VALIDTOKEN

I followed the example proposed at The content of the local server's model.json file is: { "provider": "slicer" }

I have visibility of the available cubes (/cubes), but I can not perform any operation with them, because I get the following error:

key value
error "missing_object"
message "Unknown cube 'support'"
object "support"
object_type "cube"

Thanks in advance!