Decathlon / vitamin-web

Decathlon Design System UI components for web applications
Apache License 2.0
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feat: improve the `VtmnIcon` in order to used SVG #1445

Closed Tlahey closed 1 year ago

Tlahey commented 1 year ago


In order to increase the performance of vitamin, it is necessary to change the way icons are retrieved.

Currently : We inject vitamix.css with the woff files which contain all the icons of the application. This means that it is possible to load icons that you will never use.

The solution : The objective would be to use the svg files individually to recover only the image that we want.

Technical representation of the modification:

{#await import(`@vtmn/icons/dist/vitamix/svg/${value}.svg`) then { default: svg }}
  <img style={componentStyle} src={svg} class={componentClass} {...$$restProps} />

Because of this, the preprocess is able to intelligently copy/inject the svg.

The only problem here is that it is not able to colorize the icon. Since this one is downloaded, the only way to do it is to pass on a filter (used a website like

Example :

filter: invert(42%) sepia(93%) saturate(1352%) hue-rotate(87deg) brightness(119%) contrast(119%);

This will require generating colors based on design and theme.

The thread is open to find another solution or discuss this one.

Ping @jquinc30 , @lauthieb , @thibault-mahe

lauthieb commented 1 year ago

Hello @Tlahey,

Thanks for your message. Do you think it could be possible to avoid breaking changes for this issue?

And what do you think about adding fill="currentColor" or stroke="currentColor" on SVG elements (<svg>, <path>, <g>, <circle>, etc.)? Allowing control of these colors through CSS. (instead of manipulating filters as you propose).

Unfortunately, we need to be focused for now and cannot give energy on our side on this implementation. But feel free to discuss it there. But what it's sure, it's that's a good point we need to take care of for our next implementation.

Tlahey commented 1 year ago

@lauthieb also not possible with currentColor

image image

Because the svg is downloaded and not inline on the page.

Tlahey commented 1 year ago

I've found a solution but I'm not really fan ...

  let svgContent;
  import(`@vtmn/icons/dist/vitamix/svg/${value}.svg`).then(module => {
      .then(response => response.text())
      .then(data => {
        svgContent = data;


{#if svgContent}
  <div class={componentClass} style={componentStyle} {...$$restProps}>
    <svg xmlns="">{@html svgContent}</svg>

Here 2 thinks :

jquinc30 commented 1 year ago

I've found another way with mask-image:



    .icon {
        --svg: url("");

        width: 32;
        height: 32;
        background-color: black;

        -webkit-mask-image: var(--svg);
        mask-image: var(--svg);

    .blue {
        background-color: blue;


    <div class="icon"></div>

    <div class="icon blue"></div>


I haven't done a wide testing but, at least, it looks good in my:

Tlahey commented 1 year ago

Indeed, it can be a good solution ! Tested with storybook and it works fine :)

jquinc30 commented 1 year ago

Regarding performance, even if the mask-image proposition is far better than the current implementation using font icons:

My favorite solution is still the <img src="xxx.svg" as it have the same benefits of above + also add the ability to:

Tlahey commented 1 year ago

By adding this lines in the default theme, I'm able to work with svg from image and changed the colors :

  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-primary-filter: invert(6%) sepia(13%) saturate(4111%) hue-rotate(160deg) brightness(99%) contrast(102%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-secondary-filter: invert(36%) sepia(11%) saturate(835%) hue-rotate(168deg) brightness(90%) contrast(87%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-tertiary-filter: invert(48%) sepia(9%) saturate(830%) hue-rotate(170deg) brightness(92%) contrast(83%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-action-filter: invert(18%) sepia(54%) saturate(5673%) hue-rotate(186deg) brightness(93%) contrast(101%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-active-filter: invert(29%) sepia(97%) saturate(1219%) hue-rotate(174deg) brightness(99%) contrast(101%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-inactive-filter: invert(66%) sepia(12%) saturate(348%) hue-rotate(173deg) brightness(89%) contrast(83%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-negative-filter: invert(18%) sepia(46%) saturate(5676%) hue-rotate(345deg) brightness(105%) contrast(91%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-warning-filter: invert(68%) sepia(74%) saturate(6607%) hue-rotate(355deg) brightness(105%) contrast(102%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-positive-filter: invert(39%) sepia(13%) saturate(5969%) hue-rotate(101deg) brightness(117%) contrast(73%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-information-filter: invert(33%) sepia(59%) saturate(1491%) hue-rotate(171deg) brightness(99%) contrast(101%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-accent-filter: invert(6%) sepia(55%) saturate(1278%) hue-rotate(163deg) brightness(92%) contrast(103%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-visited-filter: invert(36%) sepia(7%) saturate(2155%) hue-rotate(247deg) brightness(87%) contrast(89%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-primary-reversed-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(0deg) brightness(100%) contrast(100%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-action-reversed-filter: var(--vtmn-semantic-color_content-primary-reversed-filter);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-visited-reversed-filter: invert(74%) sepia(13%) saturate(638%) hue-rotate(247deg) brightness(79%) contrast(89%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-background-brand-primary-filter: var(--vtmn-semantic-color_content-information-filter);

I need to create this vars also for the dark mode

Edit: For dark mode

  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-primary-filter: invert(5%) sepia(95%) saturate(751%) hue-rotate(162deg) brightness(96%) contrast(103%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-secondary-filter: invert(95%) sepia(10%) saturate(90%) hue-rotate(169deg) brightness(94%) contrast(90%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-tertiary-filter: invert(47%) sepia(18%) saturate(400%) hue-rotate(170deg) brightness(94%) contrast(92%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-action-filter: invert(25%) sepia(30%) saturate(5532%) hue-rotate(180deg) brightness(95%) contrast(101%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-active-filter: invert(28%) sepia(86%) saturate(1541%) hue-rotate(176deg) brightness(101%) contrast(101%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-inactive-filter: invert(64%) sepia(10%) saturate(398%) hue-rotate(173deg) brightness(91%) contrast(87%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-negative-filter: invert(21%) sepia(56%) saturate(3597%) hue-rotate(341deg) brightness(104%) contrast(99%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-warning-filter: invert(45%) sepia(84%) saturate(3191%) hue-rotate(355deg) brightness(104%) contrast(101%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-positive-filter: invert(59%) sepia(62%) saturate(5080%) hue-rotate(102deg) brightness(97%) contrast(73%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-information-filter: invert(33%) sepia(100%) saturate(1209%) hue-rotate(174deg) brightness(87%) contrast(103%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-accent-filter: invert(5%) sepia(41%) saturate(1959%) hue-rotate(167deg) brightness(93%) contrast(102%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-visited-filter: invert(34%) sepia(7%) saturate(2309%) hue-rotate(247deg) brightness(89%) contrast(85%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-primary-reversed-filter: invert(100%) sepia(99%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(61deg) brightness(115%) contrast(100%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-action-reversed-filter: var(--vtmn-semantic-color_content-primary-reversed-filter);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-visited-reversed-filter: invert(64%) sepia(8%) saturate(1027%) hue-rotate(247deg) brightness(92%) contrast(87%);
  --vtmn-semantic-color_content-brand-primary-filter: var(--vtmn-semantic-color_content-information-filter);
Tlahey commented 1 year ago

Lot of issues with VtmnIcon as svg.

Tlahey commented 1 year ago

After a long discussion with @jquinc30 and @manglard , we think the move to svg is more complicated that expected.

TLTR : First, we have to move the project as type module for jest (because we have to used {#await synthax into svelte and svelte-jester doesn't like that). The other solution should be remove all tests, but it's not possible. For more information, please check and the part "In ESM mode"

Second, 2 ways to injects the SVG.

Third, the existing components CSS

Conclusion : Move the current VtmnIcon to SVG is a long process and will be a hard rework. But we can think about that with vtmn-play in order to enhancer the perf on the images.

I will open a thread on the vtmn-play project in order to add a VtmnIcon component which is import the svg and not the font.

For informations, ping @lauthieb @thibault-mahe