DemigodsRPG / Demigods3

The (now defunct) Demigods RPG experience for survival/PvP Minecraft servers.
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Some sort of issue with manipulating meta data on specific characters remains. #101

Closed alexbennett closed 11 years ago

alexbennett commented 11 years ago

I for the most part fixed PlayerCharacterMeta and most characters will work perfect with it (adding favor, using up favor, tributing, etc.), but others won't. For example: when tributing with a non-working character, the message will come up and say that the max favor has been increased, yet using /check shows the contrary.

I don't understand because the way it knows to send the message is to check if the current max favor is greater than the variable set before. It's literally getting the data and saying it's all good, but then once it gets it again it gets reset back to defaults. Could have something to do with the getMeta() method. I'm sleepy right now and just want to go to bed. Overall though, Shrines are like 99% working.

alexbennett commented 11 years ago

Well, I realized what I changed after I committed this and made the issue. So simple... I switched the way the meta data is made on creation to add in defaults for the various levels that characters have and forgot to actually set the meta to the character. It was remaking the PlayerCharacterMeta each time the getMeta() method was called as a safety fall-back.

TL;DR - It's fixed now with just one extra line of code. :D

Now time for bed...