DesiQuintans / librarian

Install, Update, Load Packages from CRAN, Bioconductor, and GitHub in One Step.
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Error in lib_paths when using RStudio Server #25

Open jackobailey opened 4 years ago

jackobailey commented 4 years ago

System info

Librarian version : <!-- Run: packageVersion("librarian") -->
R Version         : <!-- Run: getRversion() -->

What problem do you get?

librarian installs on RStudio Server but produces the following error message:

`Error in lib_paths(lib, make_path = TRUE, ask = ask) : The paths


are not writeable.`

How do you reproduce the problem?

Run install.packages("librarian") as usual on RStudio Server, then try to run librarian::shelf(anything)

DesiQuintans commented 3 years ago

Hi, the new v1.8.0 might fix this. You can get it now by reinstalling from GitHub


or get it later when v1.8.0 arrives on CRAN in a few hours.

There seems to be some differences between RStudio Desktop and Server, so I'd like some confirmation of the fix before closing this issue.